What gets us into trouble in this world is not what we don't know. It is those things about which we are absolutely, positively certain that turn out to be wrong. I would respectfully suggest that there is enough wrong here to go around.
2007-02-11 11:25:37
answer #1
answered by Goofy Foot 5
All of you should definitely stop judging one another. There is no law that says you have to agree with everyone else. On the thing about plunging something into the babies' brains, I assume you are speaking about partial birth abortion. Abortion foes would have us believe that these take place every day & that some women prefer them. I certainly don't know why anyone would choose this method as it is ver painfull , dangerous & heartbreaking for the parent/s. These are only done in late pregnancy & are always because something has gone horribly wrong. The majority of these babies are already dead but still the Dr. & the paren's have to make that decision. Would you have the mother carry a dead baby to full term & suffer from some awfull infections & life threatening danger? Have you ever seen a baby that had died 1 or 2 months before it was born. They are covered in open blisters, starting to turn black & in some cases, already starting to decay. Is that too graphic? No more so than you describing that type of abortion. Please have a little compassion on these parent/s. Don't believe everything you're told, look up both sides of the story, then make up your mind. Just remember, It could be you one day.
2007-02-11 19:47:44
answer #2
answered by mazell41 5
I agree that supporting the slaughter of innocent human beings is completely sick. I am also amazed that so many people responding to your question are so completely ignorant about prenatal development. There is no debate in the medical community about when life begins. From the point of conception, we are human, alive, and growing:
The baby's heart begins beating just three weeks after conception, before most women even know they are pregnant! By six weeks, the child has tiny fingers and recordable brain waves. By seven weeks, she has begun moving in the womb. Virtually no babies are aborted before this point, due to the risk of "incomplete abortion" (parts of the baby being left inside the womb).
An already born, six-month-old baby cannot survive without her mother or other caregiver, either. Left alone, she will die. Does that mean we have the right to kill her? Where is the logic and compassion?
For more information, see:
Photos and Video of Abortions, Including 1st Trimester Abortions:
Photos and Facts About Prenatal Development:
Pain Perception in the Unborn:
Pro-Life Answers to “Pro-Choice” Arguments:
The Testimony of Former Abortionists:
A Comparison of Abortion and Other Historical Genocides:
2007-02-12 15:52:20
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
You want a living person's brain sucked out and torn limb to limb? That's mighty pro-life of you.
2007-02-13 12:39:28
answer #4
answered by American Spirit 7
I'm 100% for abortion, as long as it's not used as a form of birth control. When my mom had me the woman in the bed next to her at the hospital was recovering from her 8th abortion. That in my opinion is wrong and I don't support it. What I do support is women who can't take care of the baby so they abort it. Now you'll say, "Put it up for adoption." That's not as easy as it seems. From friends who've put a child up for adoption, or wanted to I should say, looked into their child's eyes and couldn't bare the thought of never knowing them, or knowing if their life would be happy or full of abuse and neglect. As far as the people who say it's a human being, no it's not. If it cannot function without the assistance of another then it is technically dead. If you have a 30 year old woman on a respirator, she needs it to survive, then you remove it, she dies. Just like with a fetus. It is not alive.
2007-02-11 19:35:38
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Yeah, except that she's already a living, breathing human being, whereas a fetus in it's first trimester is still only a tiny part of its mother, therefore, is not yet a living, breathing human being capable of surviving without its host.
2007-02-11 19:25:44
answer #6
answered by T Time 6
perhaps it would be best to consider the fact that your position on abortion and hers are different and that you should accept that.
if you feel strongly that abortion is immoral, then you never have to choose to have one. but for those who do, leave them alone. they made a very difficult decision and do not need to be slandered by a person with opposing view points.
2007-02-11 19:25:09
answer #7
answered by Ruca 1
I agree that these abortion/human killing supporters are sick........ really, really sick.
I don't believe in abortion because it is killing a human being. It takes a physical Act to kill the child. For example, scissors are plunged into the babies head and or a chemical solution is injected that burns the baby. Killing a baby is really a gruesome act. You can see it for yourself if you google abortion. The reason there is such a support of abortion is that many of the supporters have had abortions before and they are trying to find a way to feel better about themselves and rationalize a very emotional, hurtful act that is buried in their conscience.
2007-02-11 19:23:10
answer #8
answered by ccguy 3
I support abortion. As long as the heart isn't beating, it's not a person to me.
2007-02-11 19:25:04
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Nice, I agree. You should go plant bombs at abortion clinics. That will solve all the world's problems!
2007-02-11 19:23:17
answer #10
answered by Robby 2