I was a virgin, and then I had sex... it wasn't really much.. he put it in all the way and whatnot and thrust a few times.. then we stopped..there was no bleeding at all. We did some foreplay this morning....and I was sore but that's all..but then around like..4ish today I started bleeding...about 20 hours after I had sex. I'm on birth control.. and I'm not supposed to get my period for another week. Is this normal?
9 answers
asked by
➔ Women's Health
No. I felt a lot of pain when I did it.. it hurt. I'm just saying that I'm bleeding today for no reason... and I was wondering if it maybe is because of that.
11:22:46 ·
update #1
But I've been on the pill for a few months now.. and my period has started to regulate pretty well..
I did miss a pill by like.. 5 hours last week.. and an hour and a half yesterday. Really stressed lately... so I've been forgetting.
Could it be because I've been screwing up so badly with the pill?
11:24:07 ·
update #2
When you are sexually aroused, your uterus (which is essentially a muscle) contracts. After this contraction is relaxed (IE. an orgasm) the lining of the uterus is shed. Mostly what is released is mucus (the clear slippery stuff) but sometimes there can be blood mixed in.
Do not worry about it unless it gets heavier or continues for more than a week. It is very normal to get spotting after your first couple times of having sex.
good luck, be safe.
2007-02-11 11:31:36
answer #1
answered by Ruca 1
Most likley you prolly ripped your hymen if you were in some kind of sport so when you had sex for the first time you didnt have the bleeding that some people have. And you are prolly on your period early now because having sex makes your period more irregular even if you are on the pill.
2007-02-11 12:08:43
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
the foreplay might have caused the bleeding. first time i *attempted* sex (it hurt too much to actually do it) i bled a little, not much, but the next time we actually did it i bled a lot more. i also bled (before either attempt at sex) after fingering, which i thought was weird, but its possible. So maybe you just had a delayed reaction or something like that. I doubt it's your period unless its prolonged, then in that case shoving stuff up there caused it to come out, like poking at an anthill.
2007-02-11 11:22:53
answer #3
answered by Confused 1
Did you use lube?????
Sounds like he may have torn you a little, maybe the hymen but maybe the lining also, and then the foreplay opened it up even worse? Your fi5st experiance sounds like mine, I put it in and maybe got 2 pumps before it was "stop, stop, stop". She bled pretty good and I didn't get to try again for 4 days.
2007-02-11 12:05:46
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Not sure, but sex can sometimes effect the menstrual cycle. Bleeding from being a virgin can only happen during/right after sex. You are on your period. It is early. Better early than late, and certainly better than missing it.
2007-02-11 11:20:56
answer #5
answered by Robby 2
We're all different.
You could be having breakthrough bleeding.
2007-02-11 11:21:37
answer #6
answered by diannegoodwin@sbcglobal.net 7
you bleed because your hymen rips. thats kinda wierd that you didn't experience pain right away. are you sure it was your first time??
2007-02-11 11:20:58
answer #7
answered by sarah c 2
I meant to ask you, How was I this morning?
2007-02-11 11:21:41
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
maybe it is vaginal stigmata
2007-02-11 11:21:01
answer #9
answered by Anonymous