If you paid by credit card, call your credit card company and explain it to them. I had something similar happen to me and what the credit card company will do is investigate. If you have legitimate reasons, the credit card company may choose to refund you, not give them the credit, and even revoke their credit card accepting status! In short, call your card company.
2007-02-11 11:20:16
answer #1
answered by yoyomama 3
did you pay by credit card?
the call the CC company and do a charge back
then ship the product back to the affiliate
you did not mention what it was and the affiliate
go to ripoffreports.com and search the affiliate to see what they have done to others and any remedy that people have taken against the company
BTW the BBB is worthless
it's merely a rating system
they have NO ENFORCEMENT powers what so ever
and it mean nothing if the offender is not registered member, so report to them if you will but better off with FTC and local ( the local of the affiliate ) government omnibudsman to see what you can file for complaint of fraud
2007-02-11 11:20:52
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The Better Business Bureau.
2007-02-11 11:19:25
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I would suggest the better business bureau you know the BBB. Either that or call a lawyer that offers free advice and see what your options are if you can sue them or not.
Good Luck hope you get that refund back.
2007-02-11 11:21:24
answer #4
answered by Gina D 3
Cant you get a phone number? If they don't contact you, send another email from a friends address and state that you want to buy their product. Tell them you have questions and would like to talk to a customer service rep. This should help you with your prob. LOL
2007-02-11 11:20:06
answer #5
answered by jen19801976 3
Start with the FTC, then go to your local police department, Also contact your bank especially if you used a credit or debit card to pay for the items.
2007-02-11 11:20:46
answer #6
answered by afreshpath_admin 6
the better buisness bureau your pretty much screwed who is the company
2007-02-11 11:19:34
answer #7
answered by sarah c 2