The Rocket Rules
The Pokemon Hacker's Guide is a place for Nintendo's Gameboy and Gameboy Color enthusiests to learn how to aquire, modify, upload, and transfer Pokemon from the Red, Blue, and Yellow versions among each other and to the new Pokemon Stadium for the N64.
Although these procedures are not difficult to perform, you may need access to some specialized equipment depending on the type of transfer you want to perform. In order to make sure you have the proper equipment, an equipment checklist has been created for you to see if you have what it takes to perform any type of transfer, from basic to professional, all the way to hacker.
**NOTE** - The term "hacking" is used in a generic sense to refer to the modification or altering of the savegame data extracted from your Pokemon game cartridge, not modification or alteration of the gameboy cart itself. Utilities outlined in this Guide are only necessary for the highest levels of transfering and alteration, and are not necessary to perform acceptable levels of trade or transfer. Altered Pokemon are not permitted for use in Nintendo sponsored Gameboy Tournaments.
Additionally, Nintendo frowns very badly on ROMs and emulator usage. Although Emulators themselves are *NOT* illegal, [even though Nintendo would want you to believe they are] the distribution of ROM images from game cartidges *is* illegal. The methods for hacking your pokemon games are based on the premise that you OWN the cartridge you are creating the ROM image from, and that you do not distribute the image, and that you destroy the image when you are finished with it.
When in doubt... DELETE.
Finally, there are no URLs, Files, or Links to be found on this page. Any resources you require as listed in the Equipment Section must be aquired with your own efforts. This is done in this manner to make you *earn* the right to be a member of the "Rocket Rules Elite". =) Every resource described on this site can be easily located using newsgroups and search engines, downloaded, and/or purchased. It is up to you to locate the materials. We merely instruct you how to use them.
In order to perform the most basic of Pokemon trades, or transfers, you need at a minimum 2 Gameboys, a link cable, and 2 Pokemon carts, [red, blue, or yellow]. Basic Trades or Transfers are outlined fully in your Pokemon Game's owners maunal, supplied with your game cartridge. You should refresh yourself withthis procedure as all trades or transfers are based on the procedure.
Ash Ketchum Method - Basic:
(2) Gameboys - Gameboy original, Gameboy Pocket, or Gameboy Color
(2) Pokemon Carts - Red, Blue, or Yellow. Japaneese to US transfers and vice-versa are *NOT* recommended, as there can be a corruption of code in doing so.
(1) Link Cable - Interact cable is best, as it accomodates both the new GBC and original GB port sizes.
Intermediate Transfers require the basic equipment, as well as a memory cartridge, such as the "Mega Memory Card" by Interact.
Meowth's Method - Intermediate:
As above but including:
(1) Interact Mega Memory Card
Professional Transfers include the equipment as above but require the addition of an N64 and Pokemon Stadium, as well as an additional N64 Transfer Pak.
Jessie and James' Method - Professional:
As above but including:
(1) Nintendo N64 Gaming Console
(1) Pokemon Stadium Cart for N64 and the N64 Transfer Pak supplied with the Pokemon Stadium cart.
(1) N64 Transfer Pak [sold seperately] purchased thru retailers such as Electronics Boutique. [formerly Walden Software]
Hacker Transfers are an elite method of not only transfering Pokemon from around the world, but CREATING Pokemon you thought you could never have.
Totally Team Rocket Method: Hacking
As above but requiring:
(1) Access to a PC
(1) Bung GameBoy Exchanger (aka GBX) for PC
(1) Bung 4,16,32, or 64Mbit Flash Cartridge
(1) Software for Bung GBX or equivilent
(1) Copy of the Gameboy Gamesave Editor
(1) Gameboy ROM image, aquired from your Pokemon Game cartridge using the GBX and your *original* Gameboy Pokemon cartridge, or one located on the internet.
(1) Gameboy Emulator Program for PC, such as SMYGB
Aquisition of a Gameboy Emulator and Gamesave Editor will in most cases require Internet Access. If you're reading this, then you can find the programs necessary to hack your cart.
REMEMBER: Nintendo frowns very badly on ROMs and emulator usage. The methods for hacking your pokemon games are based on the premise that you OWN the cartridge you are creating the ROM image from, and that you do not distribute the image, which is illegal. Additionally, Pokemon used in Nintendo's Pokemon tournaments *cannot* be augmented versions aquired from ROM imaging and altering, or thru gameshark or game code editing.
TIPS before we start:
Don't try to trade Pokemon from different languages. Jap and USA do not interchange, so save yourself an effort trying. I am unsure as to the inter-compatability of trading between Pokemon Silver or Gold (jap) and the other Japaneese carts, Pokemon yellow, red, and green [US Blue equiv.].
If trying an intermediate transfer using the Interact Mega Memory Card and the gamesave method, you *cannot* merely place a red gamesave on a blue cart, and vice-versa. The action commits a corruption of data by the slightly different code in each game.
If you have Pokemon Yellow, do NOT trade off Pikachu unless you're using the Intermediate method of transfering. If you trade of Pikachu using the basic method, and then try to trade him back later, he will no longer follow you around. If this isn't a problem for you, then feel free to trade him off. But if you like the little yellow electric mouse on your heels, do *not* trade him off unless you use the backup gamesave method.
GB or GBC = Gameboy or Gameboy Color
GBX = Gameboy Exchanger
MMC = Mega Memory Card
N64 = Nintendo 64
Flash = Flash Cart for GBX
Cart = any game cartridge, GB or N64
Trading vs. Transfering - What's the Difference?
Trading takes place between 2 gameboys using a link cable or 2 transfer paks using the N64 and Pokemon Stadium. TRANSFERING is the act of taking Pokemon from one cart and Placing them on another cart WITHOUT losing your pokemon in the trade. Although there are a couple of "cheat" methods you can try such as shutting off the GB in mid-trade, or disconnecting the link cable in mid-trade, the *ONLY* way to ensure you can give your buddy your high level pokemon without losing them in the process is to use the Intermediate method of TRANSFERING your Pokemon from your cart to his.
Since we all know how to TRADE Pokemon [the Ash Ketchum Wayâ¢] lets start with TRANSFERRING Pokemon.
Intermediate method: The Cat's Meowth
The perferred method is using 2 gameboys and the MMC to transfer the Pokemon, otherwise known as the "Intermediate Method"
Place the desired cart holding your pokemon to be transfered into the MMC, and place the MMC into the GBC slot.
Turn on the power, and select "backup" from the MMC menu.
Save the game using something familiar as a name. I use the color of the cart and the date as file names. ex: blue-0303 is Blue cart, March 3rd.
Repeat this process on the other cart if you want to back up those Pokemon as well. It never hurts to be safe.
Shut of the GB, flick the bypass switch on the MMC or remove the MMC and place the cart in the GB slot.
Connect the Link Cable between the two GB sets.
Ititiate the transfer of Pokemon between the two carts as described in your Pokemon Owners Manual suppleid with your game cart.
Finish the Transfer, shut off your GB, restart the game, and verify the transfer.
On the Cart you want to restore your Pokemon to, place the MMC into the GB, and place the cart to be restored in the MMC.
Turn on the power, select restore from the MMC's menu, and select the filename you want to restore to your cart. [in our case, blue-0303]
Shut off the GB, remove the MMC, place the cart back in the GB and verify the restoration.
Now you and your friend have the Pokemon you traded off. If you saved your friend's original Pokemon, he can restore them at a later date using this method.
Low Level "hacking" tip - The Giovanni Method of Pokemon Cloning:
Since traded or transfered Pokemon grow at an accellerated rate when they are on someone elses cart, you can have your friend "grow" your Pokemon at an accellerated rate and then trade it back at a later date, after it's grown several levels. You can even have two identicle pokemon on your cart, the one you transfered and it's "clone", which would be the one transfered off to another cart and later retrieved. For example, if you have a Venusaur and you transfer it using the intermediate method, restore your cart, and then have your buddy trade your Venusaur back to you for a different Pokemon, you'll have 2 Venusaurs, with identicle ID numbers, both trained by you. These Pokemon can even be at different levels or know different attacks. If you have Mew or any other high level or powerful pokemon, you can create a killer 6-pack of pokemon "clones" that can use different ablilites by teaching them new TM's and HMs. Evil, Eh...?
Professional Level Transfers: Blasting Off Again!
Professional Level Transfers are done virtually the same as Intermediate, but include transfering Pokemon from your carts thru the N64. See the Pokemon Stadium manual for instructions on trading Pokemon using Pokemon Stadium's menus. Trading Pokemon on the N64 requires the Pokemon Stadium game, the included Transfer Pak, and an additional Transfer Pak purchased seperately.
Hacker Transfers and Pokemon Mutations - How to make Team Rocket's⢠Evil Pokemonâ¢
Creating your own Pokemon can be done using the ROM image from Pokemon Blue or Pokemon Red and editing the savegame file using the Gameboy Gamesave Editor. You can take caprured Pokemon and "mutate" them into the desired Pokemon using the editor. For example, you can take a captured Pidgey and transform it into Mew using the editor. Although you can alter the HP and Level of the Pokemon, I have found that upon using them in a game that their levels revert to as low as 38 from the 100 specified in the editor. Even considering that, a L38 Mew with high power attacks such as Dragonrage, Bubblebeam, Thunderpunch, and Hypnosis is a devastating Pokemon.
Once you have mutated your Pokemon, you need to load your ROM image back on your Flash in the GBX, and load the gamesave from your PC onto the GBX and onto the Flash. You can then place the Flash in your GB and play like that, or put the Flash in the MMC in your GB, and save the game to the MMC. Making sure you edited your ID number using the one from your original cart, you can upload the gamesavefile from the MMC onto the original cart and start playing. If you're a skilled enough trainer, you can place the Flash in a GB and trade your mutant Pokemon from your Flash to any of the Pokemon carts, red, blue, or yellow, and play with it as a "traded" pokemon. If you have an N64, you can finally play Mew in 3D. The boundries are somewhat limitless as you can re-program your Mutant Pokemon with moves and abilities they couldn't normally learn as "true" Pokemon. I actually have a L38 Mew as described above, and an L3 [yes, three] Raichu I created as an experiment.
Hacker Transfers can be done in a variety of ways using the equipment above. The following method is courtesy of a discussion on a popular gameboy newsgroup.
"First you need SMYGB and the Pokemon Save Editor. You will also need the pokemon blue ROM. Put SMYGB, the Pokemon Save Editor, and the in the same directory/folder on your PC."
"Run SMYGB and open up your Catch a couple of pokemon (it doesn't matter what type). Save your game. You should now see a file called pokemonblue.sav in the directory. Run your Pokemon save editor and open your pokemonblue.sav file. You can now edit the pokemon you caught (including changing its type to MEW or whatever). After you are done modifying your pokemon, click okay. To make sure your save file is okay, open up your with SMYGB and see if the modified pokemon are there. Now go get DGBMAX V1.5 DOS and DGBWIN V1.21 WIN. Extract them into the same directory/folder as all your other stuff. Open up DGBWIN and upload your to your card."
"Get back into DGBWIN and click the SRAM button.
Click Analyze Cart.
Highlight Pokemon Blue (or whatever it is called).
Click Load Marked.
Go to the directory with your pokemonblue.sav file. Double click it.
It should then tell you that your save file was uploaded to the cart."
"Put the cart in your GB and hopefully it will ask you to continue and not to start a new game when you run pokemon blue. If it does ask you to start a new game, turn your GB off, and try to upload your save file again."
The Hacking Method of Pokemon Training falls way, *way* short of becoming a "true" Pokemon Master. Bushido, oftimes refered to as "the Way of the Warrior" requires honesty and honor in combat and training. In a way, this applies to Pokemon and the ideals behind it. In a manner of speaking, I have defined and outlined here is the "Team Rocket Way of the Warrior", or the "Rocket Rules" for training, capturing, and creating Pokemon.
I recommend that if you want a reputation with your friends and your competition that you're honorable and a good player who's also fair, that you keep your Evil Team Rocket Pokemon on the sidelines and fight with Pokemon you've caught on your own, trained, and earned.
Then again, it's always nice to have Mew come out and stomp that one opponent who thinks they're the BOMB!. Nothing better than de-fusing an ego, Eh..?
2007-02-11 19:29:38
answer #3
answered by Jeanette M 4