Ever since i can remember i've had crushes on guys, liked them, flirted, and fell in love with two. But in the beginning of fall i was diagnosed with heavy depression and one thing that sparked it was this fear almost and thought of me being a lesbian? I think maybe it was because my boyfriend I have now changed so much and i feel like im dating a completely different person, so i might be thinking that im a lesbian because of my unhappiness with him to try to get out of the relationship. But then i thought back and remembered, that sometimes i do get turned on by girls, lesbian porn, and the thought of being with a girl in bed. The only problem is i've never had a crush on a girl, or ever wanted to pursue a relationship with one. But im scared, does me having a sexual attraction to girls but not an emotional mean that I could possibly be lesbian? I dont understand how before my sexuality was so defined as straight & suddenly i have this weird issue thinking that im lesbian?Please help
3 answers
asked by
kelly j
➔ Women's Health
well im almost 18, and actually my depression cleared up alot so it's not so much a problem with that. But i've discovered a lot of things about myself dating back to my relationship with my dad and what not that might have a mental problem with me having a hard time trusting guys. My boyfriend has changed in a way where he was layed back fun loving, and now decides he wants to be a doctor and has become uptight, critical and basically doesn't make me laugh as much anymore. And i do have a pyscologist, and she sees it as when i get this insecurity of being a lesbian, its almost a hint to myself that i'm not happy in my relationship, but not actually meaning that im lesbian? Im just confused, i thought being lesbian was sexual/emotional attraction to females only. I somewhat feel sexual but absoloutly noo emotional towards them, i have never been intrigued to date a women, nor would i want to, but im just afraid that the whole sexual issue could mean something more deep down?
11:48:32 ·
update #1