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What career field would one go into if they had a felony or a misdemenor on their record? What type of job would not care as much to what was on the record? For example if the person wanted to go to school for something what would be the right field for someone that has this on the record, so that it won't be a waste of time? Thanks

2007-02-11 10:30:55 · 4 answers · asked by chyna 2 in Business & Finance Careers & Employment

4 answers

Well, I can speak from experience. I shop lifted when I was 19, i was able to keep my parents from knowing, which was stupid, because I didn't have good representation and now I have a felony on my record. I'm in my 30's now. The good news, most companies don't go back more than 5 years. If they run a background check, you'll be caught if you lie. But over the years, I've have not revealed I had a felony and it's a good thing they didn't run a background check!

Insurance,banking and most retail jobs run a background check. Most smaller companies don't run one. Most believe in the good old fashinoned, let me talk to you and if I like you, I hire you. Some make you go through personality tests, credit checks, background tests.

I only admitted my felony to one company, and guess what? I didn't get hired. So I was like, what good was that then?

It's a risk not to tell them on the application, but it ended up being worth it for me, because I make six figures! So don't let it stop you!

Good Luck!

2007-02-11 10:44:00 · answer #1 · answered by Jennifer 3 · 1 0

My dear,
You have to clear yourself and mainly your conciousness from any quilt.
NOBODY IS PERFECT. Everybody has some sceletons in his/her closet.
Be yourself, forget the past (it has already gone) and start from a NEW point rejuveneted with the will that you'll suceed and you will, no matter what field you'll choose.

Good Luck.:)

2007-02-11 18:43:19 · answer #2 · answered by UncleGeorge 4 · 0 0

I think that Criminal Justice, Law, and Medicine would be precluded. You might try Social Work, depending on what the crimes involved were.

2007-02-11 18:35:30 · answer #3 · answered by Beau R 7 · 0 0

do what you want in school and apply for a pardon/expungement from your governor

2007-02-11 18:43:45 · answer #4 · answered by imjustsomeguy001 2 · 0 0

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