whatever the case may be always be greatful of what god gave you, and respect yourself.
we are never satisfied with what we have, and always looking at other girls and wished that we had what she does. thats how life is...and unfortunatly for us we need to learn to cope with it.
2007-02-11 10:37:52
answer #1
answered by .:peAchy:. 2
This may sound strange, but you both are and are not correct.
No matter what size your breasts are, the idea is that you should embrace your body as it it. I'm giving you some links about breasts that may help you.
Yes, it makes it more difficult to find clothes that you want to wear, but just consider that as a challenge to face. Life is full of challenges, and most of them are far larger than is that one.
When you are older, you may or may not feel that your breasts are proportional to the rest of your body. But the perception that they aren't is no reason to do anything about their size. However, if your breasts are so large that they are causing you back problems, even after doing everything that you can to strengthen your back muscles, you might consider have them surgically reduced. Such surgery could interfere with your ability to nurse your children, so wait on that one. And do it only for medical purposes.
2007-02-11 18:52:51
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I was in the same situation but I wasn't grateful until I saw women getting operations and having the problems with yhe implants just sit back buy bigger shirts and be patient. We live in a woeld where big is starting to be accepted.
2007-02-11 18:34:13
answer #3
answered by junemperson_villebrun 1
I have this problem also. The shirt fits everywhere, except my boobs. I can't buy button up shirts because my boobs pop the buttons. Other than that I am proud to have big boobs.
2007-02-11 18:29:03
answer #4
answered by bree g 2
At 14 whatever you've got, you will be embarassed by. Don't feel guilty, it's normal. It sucks to hear this but you will grow to be more comfortable with it. And you're right, most girls would kill to have what you have, so if you ever hear comments, remember it is they're own insecurity xx
2007-02-11 18:27:58
answer #5
answered by Londonbaby 3
Yes, you're right. And no you don't have to feel grateful. People tend to learn best by experience, so they don't know that certain things aren't the gift they believe them to be until or unless they have to experience it themselves. Being big breasted has it own drawbacks, as does being small breasted.
2007-02-11 18:31:06
answer #6
answered by marklemoore 6
Well, you're still growing. Talk to you parents and pedeatrician, first, get some information. If you're really uncomfortable with them being bigger than average, wait till your older, and get them reduced, if you want to.
2007-02-11 18:29:13
answer #7
answered by bcrazed8989 1
I totally understand. I was small until I had my kid. Then I went over 2 sizes up ...and I feel like they are a nusience. I hate them.
2007-02-11 18:30:45
answer #8
answered by redsoxmom1979 2
you should be happy with the way you are but if is a big problem then talk to you parents or if you don feel comfortable talking to them try talking to a school counselor
2007-02-11 18:28:34
answer #9
answered by korinne kouture;; 3
Right now, at this age you're going to think that it's such a hassle but when you're older... trust me, you will be sooo grateful! Just don't flaunt them too much now at this age!
2007-02-11 18:26:56
answer #10
answered by Wren 3