Other than the obvious...there a few other reasons that periods stop ie..stress, not eating properly, hormones, thyroid, and some illnesses...many more too..go to gp
2007-02-11 10:10:07
answer #1
answered by Rachel P 2
First of all, are you sexually active?? If so, it could mean that you are pregnant, but if not there could be other things affecting your period. Are you into athletics, like gymnastics? Sometimes girls miss periods because of being too active. There could be many reasons why you are not getting your period. I suggest seeing a doctor, maybe he could tell you whats up.
2007-02-11 10:10:45
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
From experience, you probably just need a little help regulating your hormones. Birthcontrol pills help the get it regular in a few months. If that doesn't work then you have the same problem I do and my doctor doesn't know what wrong with me. I'm not sick and I douche monthly so I think that i'll be fine.
2007-02-11 10:21:05
answer #3
answered by way2clase 1
If you've been sexually active before you have missed a period there is a big chance that you can be pregnant. I suggest you go to a doctor.
2007-02-11 10:12:00
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Well, if you are quite young, your periods are not alwys regular. Also, are you really skinny? It could be that you're not eating enough. My sister was really skinny at one point, and she missed her period for like 3 and a half months, maybe more. she completely freaked out. Don't worry, if you eat more it will come back. Or it could jus b ur young and ur periods are not completely regular yet. :D
2007-02-11 10:09:02
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
It could mean that the person is pregnant. Nevertheless, young girls are irregular in their periods, nothing wrong.
Or, for instance, my friend didn't eat enough and over-exercised, which made her body too weak to have periods (have children).
2007-02-11 10:12:52
answer #6
answered by sweetwat3rmelon 3
you could be pregnant, you might have a problem with your womb or ovaries or you might be too underweight or ill for your body to carry a child so you stop having periods. i would take a pregnancy test or see a doctor (you might want to ask to see a female one), or your family planning clinic if you feel more comfortable there.
2007-02-11 10:10:17
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
during the first three years from the time you got your period, is sometimes comes, aand sometimes doesnt. or if you had sex, well than u might be pregnant
2007-02-11 10:11:02
answer #8
answered by natural 2
You're most likely pregnant unless you have some female problem. Either way, you should see a Gynecologist.
2007-02-11 10:11:17
answer #9
answered by hopper1944 1
2007-02-11 10:12:07
answer #10
answered by ħ Ì Wêår M¥ Mê?ål Må§k 5