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I am in my early 40's and the past couple of years I have had moderate to severe muscle pain. I have spots on my back that are so tender, my husband has to be careful when he hugs me. No matter how much sleep I have gotten, am extremely tired. When I get up in the morning I am so stiff and sore it takes about an hour of moving around before I can do anything. If i get bumped, it feels like the pain is intensified and can be excrutiating. My periods have been extremely painful as well. Have been to numerous doctors, have had tests and xrays. All of them say that everything is normal and that I am just getting older. My mom is in her 70s and is in better shape than me. I have explained all my problems to doctors without results, what could I be doing different? What could the problem be?

2007-02-11 09:41:21 · 4 answers · asked by timber's mom 2 in Health Women's Health

4 answers

Sounds like my wife. She finally was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Some days are good for her, and others are so bad that she can not do anything. Go to your doctor and ask him if this could be your problem. There are no specific tests for it. Good luck

2007-02-11 09:47:42 · answer #1 · answered by Gary S 5 · 1 0

I am 31 and also have muscle pain in my whole torso. Sensitive spots include my lower back near the spine, my sides near the rib cage and my upper arms. I am sure much of this could be remedied with exercise but I did find much relief with chiropractic care. Not just chiropractic care, but wellness. They taught me to exercise with a big ball and it is kind of fun if you have the space in your living room to do it. I felt major improvements during the treatments but have since stopped going and am paying for it.
Have you or any of the doctors mentioned Fibromyalgia? I'm not sure how to test for it and it is hard to get this diagnosis. Bottom line, try to get active. Not necessarily sweating, working out active, but just learn some new stretches and do them as often as you can. It will feel good and get easier to do.

2007-02-11 18:03:29 · answer #2 · answered by Bbgirl0775 2 · 0 0

Definitely fibromyalgia with chronic fatigue syndrome. Cymbalta is the only thing that I have found to help.
It takes a good month to get over the side effects and be able to sleep with it. It is worth it though.
Here is a support board for fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue:

If you don't have insurance, here is a good place to order generic Cymbalta: http://www.inhousepharmacy.com/anti-depressants/generic_cymbalta.html
It is a good idea to start out at a low dosage and work up to 60 mg./day.

You will probably notice that your pain is a lot worse right before a storm.

This site shows the tender points on the body:

2007-02-11 19:56:53 · answer #3 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

Maybe anemic?
You should contact your doctor right away.
Side note: My dad has fibromyalgia and I have never heard of those symptoms. It's totally possible.......but fibromyalgia is also a very basic diagnosis. It has so many symptoms, and they often diagnos people with that when they don't know what else it could be. I worked in the medical field and unfortunatly it is a waste bucket diagnosis.

2007-02-11 17:56:34 · answer #4 · answered by redsoxmom1979 2 · 0 0

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