Dear first off your not fat! Girls your age weight around 100 or so pounds so no your not overweight. Many girls start their periods when they are around 100lbs. So no don't worry about it!!! YOUR ARE NOT FAT! If you are worried about your weight exercise a little more or eat healther foods but please please please don't make yourself barf up your food or anything like that! You are perfectly normal...all that's going on is that your growing up. So no don't worry!
2007-02-11 09:30:30
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
He's so conceited. In mocking a large percentage of the American people he's making fools of us all. I don't care what side you're on, it is NOT okay for the President to mock his own people. If he were mocking liberals you wouldn't see me laughing, although to be completely honest, I don't identify with liberals or republicans so I can see a very unbiased perspective. **Also, in response to the person who said that news outlets mock him so he's allowed to fire back, no. He's the President, he needs to show a little more integrity than that. There was no legitimate reason to mock anyone. If something is purportedly ridiculous enough that he feels he can mock it, it shouldn't even need to be addressed.
2016-03-29 02:34:15
answer #2
answered by ? 4
Well unless you are very short, under 5 feet, 98 lbs is not fat.
You're body is changing & developing. You may get your period soon.
Keep up what you are doing, exercise & eat sensibly and you'll be fine.
2007-02-11 09:34:09
answer #3
answered by ♣Hey jude♣ 5
98 pounds is not a lot. drink only water and not soft drinks. eat healthier and exercise 3 X a week for like 30 minutes
2007-02-11 09:27:25
answer #4
answered by Jessica 4
How tall are you... it doesn't sound like a problem to me. I would exercise more, cut out the snacks. It sounds like you may be getting ready to grow some more. My sons chunk up and then all of a sudden they grow 2 inches. I can always tell when they get chubby that they are about to have another growth spurt.
2007-02-11 09:28:42
answer #5
answered by samiam246 3
That's not fat! at all half the girls your age are over 100lbs. But you should exercise more. You gain muscles as well as boost your immunity system
2007-02-11 10:02:21
answer #6
answered by justanothergrl88 4
your body is going thru puberty. your description sounds just like i was at 13. your body is probably getting ready for you to start your period. no you are not fat at 98 pounds.
2007-02-11 09:28:34
answer #7
answered by christie 3
its normal to gain weight at this age your body is preparing your body for childbirth, by making your hips wider etc. if you eat normally then don't worry about it, if the weight gets excessive then talk to your parents about seeing a doctor.
2007-02-11 09:35:08
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
no your not fat. if u want to lose weight exersize more and eat a little less
2007-02-11 10:22:37
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
honey your not fat believe me but it is a personal matter and if you would like to talk about it you can e-mail me.....
2007-02-11 09:29:31
answer #10
answered by el Diablo 2