I watched a short documentary, put together by a group of holocaust revisionists/deniers: Where is/is there a response to these attacks on the officially endorsed history?
A couple of issues that seemed important were the logistical improbability involved in killing/burying/cremating the huge number of victims in the Reinhard camps and the shaky first hand evidence supplied in the Nuremberg trials (such as discredited accounts of a sliding floor in the gas chambers).
6 answers
asked by
Tree of Jesse
Arts & Humanities
➔ History
It's terrible to hear about the loss of so many members of your family..but my question is specific to the Reinhard camps and the conflicting evidence/facts surrounding what went on there.
09:25:43 ·
update #1
Still no real answers.
09:37:13 ·
update #2
The deniers have been around a long time. My father denied the possibility until his brother showed him pictures taken at the sites. The atrocities were real. I place the sliding floor impossibility right beside those who deny that people built the pyramids.
Interestingly enough, if you try to search, you don't find any sites denying the Holocaust which are something you could cite in a research paper. There are many about apologists, and there are many people who know the truth. I will believe the eyewitnesses such as my uncle, who was there.
2007-02-11 09:28:34
answer #1
answered by Doris B 3
Although I did not watch the documentry and I do not know about the Reinhard camps, I do know two things:
One, that many of the fine detail of the logistics of the Holocaust are not absolutely clear as it was a period of great confusion with much destruction. Much evidence is bound to be missing or condradictory. For example I have heard of an issue of The Guiness Book of Records in the 1960s which quoted the number of Jews killed in the Holocaust as 2,000,000 rather than the commonly thought of and estimated 6,000,000. I understant that they have not since quoted that number. This postulates two possibilities. One: That it was since disproven. Two: Pressure was brought to bear upon them. However there is bound to be much confusion surrounding such an event.
Two: that we might have inacurracies and much of the evidence unsure of and missing. But one thing is certain. A whole lot of people were murdered. Now we might have many of the details scetchy but we do know what happened. There might be inacurracies regarding some or of some camps. But here is only an opportinity of the deniers and apologist to use these to discredit what we know of the truth. These people are desperate and many of their ilk do not even bother to be apologist or even deniers. They glorify in it. We should not allow them to get away with it.
However I have noticed some of the other answers. When one meantions the Holocaust then their is a flurry of emotional responses. People get all upset and flurried. They do not think. One would think that people would be interested in establishing the fine details of truth about this. Not giving the perpertrators and their supporters any openings at all to excuse themselves or get away. After all, the more accurate the club, the better to bash evil over the head with it. The people who get or emotional and illogical about it do their cause a great diservice. One, they give succour to the sons of b*****s who did the deed and opportunity to the b******s who support them. The people who died deserve the honour and respect of the truth. They deserve the retribution of wacking this evil over the head with the best weapon aviable-the truth. Lets bury the deed and the evil b******s who did this. Bury them good. With the best and most accurate we can-the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. When they try to scamper up holding onto a pigeon hole of hope, let us push their fingers away and let them fall back into the abyss where all such scum deserve to go.
2007-02-11 18:34:08
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Germany and other former Axis Power countries all agree that the Holocaust did happen. Germany now has several laws about denying the Holocaust.
2007-02-11 18:23:28
answer #3
answered by whitearmofrohan 4
The Argentine government has officially apologized for the holocaust as has the Pope.
2007-02-11 17:20:52
answer #4
answered by James Q 2
I'll be happy to discuss the holocaust with you. As a child in Auschwitz I watched my mother, father,sister and two uncles slaughtered there.
2007-02-11 17:19:31
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The Jews did not suffer in Germany because there was no Holocaust. Actually it was the Jews that was torturing the poor blond haired deprived Germans. Those tattoos on the Jews arms and hands that are still alive today (by the grace of God) are really there because they want to be hip.
1. We knew the Japanese were going to bomb Pearl Harbor before they did. I mean come-on President Roosevelt liked the thought of our boys baking inside the Battle Ship Arizona before they died. The President was looking for a better way to get a good nights sleep.
2. America did not land on the Moon. We payed billions of dollars for the 360 foot Saturn 5 rocket so we could look at it and say wow that is a big rocket. We kept approx. 400,000 technicians, scientists and construction contractors quiet, with zero leaks to the public. The rocks that we thought that came from moon and have proved to be from the moon are really from the Pacific Ocean.
3. The Mafia whacked JFK, via the Russian connection, via the Cuban connection.... The man on the grassy knoll was a CIA agent acting on orders from Giancana from Chicago and Marcello from New Orleans, with duplicity from Castro and Kruschev....true story.
4. Aliens landed in Roswell and we transported them to Area 51 to back engineer their technology, where do you think the stealth air craft came from? Again, we kept it secret by brain washing the thousands of workers who were in on the scam.
5. The Moon we see every night is really not there along with the planets, stars as well as the Planet Killing Asteroids. Those were put there by the evil United States to toy with our minds.
6. The fossils of homo eructus, neandertals and 15 other hominids that are extinct were put there by paleotologists, archeologists, and assorted rock hounds to enhance their careers. Creationism is the only reality.
7. America is a conspiracy and is a fake country and none of us Americans really live here.
8. I was never born so this response to your question is a fake.
2007-02-11 18:03:02
answer #6
answered by Its not me Its u 7