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I have always been intrested in donating eggs, and i found a great site:

but my question is this, seeing as its not on the site, that i could see:

1: i am pregnant now, will that affect donating eggs??? seeing as you must be 21, and i am only 18, i obviously wont be doing it while im pregnant, but will it have any affect for the future

2: is it still possiable to become pregnant after donating eggs? i guess it says you wont have any problems, but has anybody ever had problems getting pregnant afterwards?

2007-02-11 09:03:44 · 2 answers · asked by ruspecialenuf 3 in Health Women's Health

2 answers

Your pregnancy has stoppped the egg production for the time being,anyway you can donate your eggs after child birth and still get pregnant since the woman egg continious to mature and fall off during you periods.goodluck

2007-02-11 09:13:31 · answer #1 · answered by ebiyedinak 3 · 0 0

Just a quick bit of info for you that I hope you will reserve judgment on till you have heard.
The main use of these 'donated eggs' is too fertilize them for "harvesting". It's a very sad fact that society has been brainwashed by the media into complacency on this matter because what we are 'overlooking' is the fact of what these 'fertilized eggs' actually are. There are a large number of words which are used to describe the various stages of pregnancy. These words were nearly all invented in the 1970's by those clever lawyers involved in the "roe vs wade" thing. Every child not yet overly exposed to the media understands... no, I mean really understands... when pregnancy begins. It's simple. At the moment of conception and avoiding the simple facts of this matter is something I am sure that if people really understood, they would have no part of. If you can at all remember what it's like to be a child than I'm sure you will remember that grown up people have got a lot of the important things all screwed up. If you don't... than just go ask a child a complex question and maybe the purity of their response will spark your memory. I just hope you will give some of what I said a realistic chance to soak in because I think you will be very grateful if you do

2007-02-11 09:57:22 · answer #2 · answered by punk bitch piece of shit 3 · 0 2

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