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I started to go to the gym 6 days ago.Since it's been years that I don't work out, I'm only doing the walker for 30 min every day,to start.The problem is that every day afternoon I start to have mild headaches,and I have to take tylenol otherwise it'd last until the next day.My pressure has always been normal, even during pregnacies (1 year ago the last one). What can be the cause? the change from laziness to working out? Please help!

2007-02-11 09:01:22 · 2 answers · asked by Peruv 3 in Health Women's Health

2 answers

You need to see your doctor about this. It could be exertional headaches, and if so, he can prescribe something you can take to prevent them. Taking Tylenol every day could make matters worse. Taking it more than 2 or 3 days a week can cause headaches called medication overuse headaches or rebound headaches.

2007-02-11 09:05:47 · answer #1 · answered by TeriR 6 · 0 0

Common causes of afternoon headaches - dehydration - drink lots of water - especially if you are excercising more. If you are feeling thirsty then you are already deydrated.
- caffeine withdrawal - cut down on the coffee and coke in the morning
- tension - sitting in front of a computer etc puts stress on your neck muscles which can cause headaches. (working out can also put stress on them.)

2007-02-12 00:25:36 · answer #2 · answered by Seraphim 6 · 0 0

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