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2 answers

You really need to talk to your doctor about specifics. There are many birth control pills out there that would help you. In fact, all combination (estrogen and progesterone) pills will regulate your periods.

But, if your hormone levels are out of whack it's for the best to seek a doctor's advice. Dosages may vary depending on your underlying health conditions, as well as your tolerance for side effects.

2007-02-12 07:15:48 · answer #1 · answered by answerlady1021 4 · 0 0

Your Doctor will suggest a good birth control product for you. You have to get it through the Doctor anyhow. There are pills, patches, injections and IUDs. All can help to regulate your issues if they are selected by your Doctor for you. Some times you may have to try a couple of different ones to find the right one, but there are so many out there.

2007-02-12 23:02:56 · answer #2 · answered by White Raven 4 · 0 0

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