sea salt and warm water.... it is a natural anteseptic.... and it kills the bad germs and leaves the good germs alone.... alcohol and other products like neosporin and bactine can cause it to dry out and become infected.... use sea salt... You can also use saline (contact solution)
2007-02-11 08:31:31
answer #1
answered by daisyduke_205 3
You should get a special piercing cleanser from the place where you got your ears pierced. If you did it yourself, check out Claire's or a different piercing place by you. You should ask the people who work there about using sea salt and war water before buying a cleanser.
2007-02-11 08:32:43
answer #2
answered by purple penguin 2
Sea salt and warm water is fantastic for healing a piercing. Although I must say I used that for my belly ring not my ears. Ears are much easier to heal, I just used piercing cleaning solution for them.
There is also "Bactine", which is a pain relieving cleansing spray and you can get that at a grocery store.
2007-02-11 08:32:02
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
do no longer wash with cleansing soap as I presume it might entail rubbing and /or wiping. do no longer eliminate your studs / rings throughout the time of healing technique.- this might enable the holes to swell, making it very annoying to re insert - and doubtless even reason bleeding. save the two factors of your ear(s) sparkling with a sparkling fabric soaked in a Saline answer whilst ever you sense soreness brought about via a dry scab worrying your ear. do no longer rotate. There could be a annoying scab which will reason bleeding as nicely making it sore. do no longer rub your ears for various weeks. although healing would desire to in basic terms take around one week, the interior remains very mushy and would desire to tear good luck..
2016-12-17 07:37:47
answer #4
answered by ? 4
well, when i got my ears pierced, they gave me a special bottle of a chemical made specifically for piercings. but before i used to used peroxide.but i just looked at the bottel right now, and it says the chemical is called Benzalkonium chloride which was made to clean ears.
2007-02-11 08:33:24
answer #5
answered by Lin 2
You are better off to us Hydrogen Peroxide. Soak your earrings in it and swab your ears. This will heal them and they will be safe from infection. You will have a bit of fizzing but not to worry, it means the medication is working.
2007-02-11 08:58:55
answer #6
answered by twentyeight7 6
i wouldn't use alcohol if I were you. I have had a number of piercings and the piercers have all told me to use sea salt.
2007-02-11 08:34:17
answer #7
answered by joni_noel 2
just go to a licensed peircing place and get the cleaning solution there. if you cant afford it, you dont deserve to have a peircing. btw, if you had gotten the peircing at a licensed place of business, the cleaning solution is free.
2007-02-11 08:32:03
answer #8
answered by Erin B 2
both but i prefer the alchohol which is more known to kill germs
2007-02-11 08:30:51
answer #9
answered by ashley-nicole a 1