No, this is normal, I am the exact same way, 13, no boobs, no but, no period, I asked my doctor, he said because you are skinny, and because you didn't develop yet, he told me, it takes time.
2007-02-11 08:41:29
answer #1
answered by mikeymagic 2
I know exactly how u feel. It's normal. U just have to be patient. Plus...ur period is the biggest pain in the a** ever! Trust me...u don't want it! Be happy that u don't have the burden yet. U thought I would NEVER get my period but I did, so relax! :) My boobs are small too but what am I supposed to do about it? Good website, check it out
2007-02-11 16:27:49
answer #2
answered by CherryCherry 5
You're definitely normal, so don't worry! Girls get their period between the ages of 9-16, and your chest can be supersmall. Everyone starts puberty at different times. Ask your mom when she had her first period and started developing, because daughters start around the same time as their moms do.
2007-02-11 16:27:41
answer #3
answered by breezy 3
It si very normal, I remember I was really late at hitting puberty but believe me, a period can be a hell of a burden. As for the boobs, yours sound like the story most girls tell. The hormones will kick in soon enough so please don't worry about it. When you hit 30, you'll remember this and laugh. All the best...
2007-02-11 16:34:47
answer #4
answered by discombobulated girl 4
It's normal, some girls are late bloomers. I know girls who didn't get their periods til 14 or 15. Enjoy not having one while you can! Because it can be a pain in the buttox.
You are not a freak, don't worry...
2007-02-11 16:25:52
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
i didnt get my period until after i turned 16 but i have had boobs since i was like 11
dont worry about it your only 13 you have plenty of time to catch up
also try asking your mom and your aunts when they got their periods from that you can tell around when youll get yours
good luck
and dont worry to much
2007-02-11 16:29:56
answer #6
answered by raindrop 3
Put your parachute down and stand at ease, You are normal and further development will come, but everyone is not on the same schedule. Be patient. Often slow developers look much younger longer. This is something that everyone wants to hear sooner or later....
2007-02-11 16:29:30
answer #7
answered by loligo1 6
Your fine, don't be in such a rush to grow up. It's funny, when your 13 you want to be 30 and when you're 30 you want to be 13! Just let nature take it's course, everything will be fine.
2007-02-11 16:28:12
answer #8
answered by cireengineering 6
My sister had the same problem. Don't worry about it! Maybe you should when you're 15, but untill then, it's normal.
2007-02-11 16:25:24
answer #9
answered by aknippling 2
You are not a freak!!!
We all start at different times. Let nature take its course.
2007-02-11 16:26:39
answer #10
answered by 7