If you look at the testimony in the "Scooter" Libby trial it easy to see who was pulling the strings in the White House and it wasn't GW. George Bush never had the brains to be President and Cheney has made billions (from Haliburton stock) off of this war in Iraq. Cheney was the one who provided the inside information to Bush. Cheney was the one who leaked top secret information to quell any evidence to the contrary of his WMD theory. Cheney is the one who continues to make the decisions in the war. Before this is all over with, Cheney will be brought to justice and spend the rest of his rich life behind bars where he belongs. Bush is the dull bulb on Cheney's vanity mirror.
2007-02-11 08:34:52
answer #1
answered by MICHAEL M 2
The plans to make war with Iraq come out of a meeting early in his presidency, the minutes to that meeting have been sealed to cover up. It was with the big oil company's CEO's and while some say it is all about oil that is not entirely true. It is about the price of oil. I think you have to follow the money trail and see who is profiting from the war and you will see the profits from big oil are way, way up from pre war numbers. I am sure that Bush had to jimmy the intelligence in order to sell congress, and the American people that the war in Iraq was necessary. He has been aided by those all along that will not question his motives.
2007-02-11 16:35:42
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
President Bush probably thought he was doing the right thing. You know the saying, "The end justifies the means." I think Bush was misinformed about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction? I think that removing Hussein was justification enough for going to war with Iraq.
2007-02-11 16:45:30
answer #3
answered by Max 6
Reagan supplied Iraq with the mustard gas and even allowed Hussein access to U.S. satellite information so that the gas would be more effective.
And why Bush manipulated intelligence info is simple enough. Oil and billions of dollars to the military industrial complex.
2007-02-11 16:45:16
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
WASHINGTON - Senate Democrats and Republicans disagreed yesterday over the meaning and importance of a Defense Department inspector general's conclusion that a Pentagon policy office produced and gave senior policymakers "alternative intelligence assessments on Iraq and Al Qaida relations" that were "inconsistent" with the intelligence community's consensus view in the lead-up to the U.S. invasion of Iraq.
Acting Defense Department Inspector General Thomas F. Gimble told the Senate Armed Services Committee that he had no evidence that the Pentagon activities were illegal and said they were authorized by then-Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld and his deputy, Paul D. Wolfowitz.
But, he said, "the actions, in our opinion, were inappropriate."
So, Gimble says this was only "inappropriate" that intelligence was cherry-picked? Not illegal because it was "authorized"
How is that okay, people? (I believe the "real" reason for the Iraq war is oil-you can email me for links)
2007-02-11 16:35:43
answer #5
answered by Middleclassandnotquiet 6
First where is your proof that he manipulated intelligene?Second, how do you explain that British MI 5, Jordanian, Egyptian, russian, And French inteeligence all said he had/ developing WMD's. Clinton, both, Gore, and others beilved he had/developing WMD'. The one's on the security council voted against attacking Iraq, because of the oil for food program was putting millions into their pockets. Where is the proof that Bush is benefiting from the oil fields? If you have no proof then shut up! If you are anti-Bush to begin with, then no amount of evidence would convince you other wise.
2007-02-11 16:32:44
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Like the 15 documented incidents of WMD attack in Iraq.
Here they are with locations, dates, type of chemical used and numbers killed:
- Haij Umran Mustard August 1983 fewer than 100 Iranian/Kurdish
- Panjwin Mustard October-November 1983 3,000 Iranian/Kurdish
- Majnoon Island Mustard February-March 1984 2,500 Iranians
- al-Basrah Tabun March 1984 50-100 Iranians
- Hawizah Marsh Mustard & Tabun March 1985 3,000 Iranians
- al-Faw Mustard & Tabun February 1986 8,000 to 10,000 Iranians
- Um ar-Rasas Mustard December 1986 1,000s Iranians
- al-Basrah Mustard & Tabun April 1987 5,000 Iranians
- Sumar/Mehran Mustard & nerve agent October 1987 3,000 Iranians
- Halabjah Mustard & nerve agent March 1988 7,000s Kurdish/Iranian
- al-Faw Mustard & nerve agent April 1988 1,000s Iranians
- Fish Lake Mustard & nerve agent May 1988 100s or 1,000s Iranians
- Majnoon Islands Mustard & nerve agent June 1988 100s or 1,000s Iranians
- South-central border Mustard & nerve agent July 1988 100s or 1,000s Iranians
- an-Najaf - Karbala area Nerve agent & CS March 1991 Shi’a casualties not known
2007-02-11 16:34:12
answer #7
answered by ? 6
Whatever, it gets so tiring to hear all this just like it really makes any difference today. I mean no matter how we got there we are there now and analyzing and analyzing the analyzing isn't going to change today. We need to worry about today.
2007-02-11 16:30:09
answer #8
answered by Brianne 7
Because he and his cronies want control over those oil fields. And, because Saddam put out a hit on Bushs' daddy and W got mad.
2007-02-11 16:25:18
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
troops last
republican religion
2007-02-11 16:25:48
answer #10
answered by Republicans tjhink bush nevr lie 1