Well, if you use the pill or anything else that contains male hormones there is the chance that it kills the libido.
Your girlfriend should not use the injection thing because it's really really bad for your body; as it is very highly concentrated.
If she really can't do with condoms, she could either try the ring or the plaster; they are both very comfortable and have the lowest concentration of hormones or the other pill that only contains female hormones. That one can be a bit enerving because you take it all the time and your period can always kick in without a regularity.
Hope this helps...
2007-02-11 08:09:33
answer #1
answered by annacachetona 1
I am afraid this happens to about 1 in 10. Talking to her about it isn't going to make the urge suddenly jump into reality, but at least she will know your feelings.
Love is not all about the physical sex either and if you are so frustrated there are those things that can be shared by two people that don't necessarily involve penetration.
At 17 this is not a life threatening event.This girls body is still trying to develop and come to terms with preparing itself hormonally to be able to conceive The injection is suppressing it. So what you have here is a conflict of things. happening and one of them does not suit your level of libido. Perhaps she can take the matter into hand and deal with it with you.
It is not sex that holds a relationship together and especially for a woman, this could be a good test of whether what you have to offer is sex or just plain old lust. Be patient with her and give her rime and the same level of attention you did when sex was a common interest, otherwise you might just lose her love as a result.
2007-02-11 08:16:02
answer #2
answered by Shelty K 5
loss of sex drive can be a side effect of hormonal contraceptives - injections, the pill or the mirena coil.
it could also be that she is worried about STDs or just the *strangeness* of having what feels like unprotected sex if she's always used condoms before.
you could try asking her (GENTLY) if any of these are a worry for her - after all, she;s the one that knows what she is thinking and feeling, not all of us strangers! If it's STDs that are worrying her, you could both go and get yourselves checked out, either at your GPs or a clinic.
In fact, before you have sex without a condom you SHOULD both go and get yourselves checked out, just to be sure :)
2007-02-15 07:47:40
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Gone without it for 3 months shame, it ain't bad considering you have about
another 50yrs to catch up with the absence. When she gets to about 40
she'll be dragging you back into the pit. your question will then be I ain't been
to work for 3 months because of her demands.Mind you there is the other
side of the coin, have you ever thought you might not be any good at it and
she is giving it to the bloke down the road. Get a grip and take yourself in
hand (wink wink)
2007-02-11 08:14:00
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
# 1: If she is not in the mood, you need to respect that, not try to think up ways to trick her into having sex. # 2: Use a condom!!!!! Too bad if she doesn't like it...It's your responsibility to protect yourself too, not only from being a daddy, but from diseases, which teenagers spread more than prostitutes. If you question this, think...child support...1/3 of my paycheck...1/3 of my paycheck..1/3 of my paycheck... for the next 18 years, or they throw you in jail. Be a man...not a baby, and take grown up responsibility. This way you don't have to worry about shot/ no shot, pill/ no pill.
2007-02-11 08:11:58
answer #5
answered by Jennifer S 2
I completely lost my sex drive while on the injection - we went for over a year without once. When I missed my injection accidentally it came back with a vengeance (so much so now 8 months pregnant).
Maybe she could try the pill or coil?
2007-02-11 08:00:30
answer #6
answered by ? 3
I'm on the same and I always feel horny.
See how she goes as it affects ppl in different ways ..... A lot of my mates who have tried it have been through mood swings and bouts of depression ..... if she had it 3 months ago then she'll be due her next or should of had it already - if she feels the same as you she should tell her concerns to the nurse .... get her blood pressure checked and see if they need to alter the dosage
2007-02-11 09:05:05
answer #7
answered by busybee26 3
The first injection takes a while to kick in, once she has had the 2nd you'll be good to go. Just hold on dude, it's coming :D
2007-02-11 07:56:36
answer #8
answered by spikey_richie 2
spice the bedroom department up a bit
but it could also be the hormones that have been pumped into her leave her for a bit and see if ti gets any better if it don't consult your doctor
good luck
2007-02-11 10:37:03
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
The contraceptive injection potentially inhibits libido.
2007-02-11 07:56:59
answer #10
answered by dorothy 4