I have low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). My blood sugar typically registers around 70. At times when I've not managed it well enough, I've experienced a sudden feeling of hunger so severe that I feel like I'm going to vomit. During those times I've also been extremely weak, sometimes to the point of feeling paralyzed. Point is...learn the glycemic index and eat small amounts of food throughout the day. Further...avoid alcohol, as it overdoses your body on sugar and then you'll have the opposite problem...too much sugar for your body to process at once. Before I knew I had low blood sugar, I made the mistake of having two drinks before dinner...and was unconscious for a few minutes until a companion poured 6 sugar packets in my mouth. The condition is serious and can be scary...yet controllable once you know a few basics and eat regular, small amounts through the day.
Good luck!
2007-02-18 04:56:25
answer #1
answered by pentora 2
The early stages of hypoglycemia may not reveal any signs. With time however, you feel some weakness; then cold, profuse sweating; then faint; if you have not found a solution, you may actually faint, and eventually become comatose. Permanent brain damage and death may ensue. Please note that you may or may not have a feeling of hunger during an attack.
Hypoglycemia commonly results from taking medicines for diabetes without following this with a meal. It can also be induced by excess alcohol ingestion, more especially when you have not eaten a proper meal, or have not taken enough fluids for hydration.
If you are diabetic, make sure your medication is correct for you. Check this out with your doctor. You may also carry a piece of candy with you all the time just in case. If the problem arose because you have taken more than your fair share of alcohol, try to see that you take plenty of water before going to bed. If possible too, eat something before retiring. And in the morning, start the hydration thing all over. At the first indication of hypoglycemia, have a soda or two.
2007-02-11 08:18:22
answer #2
answered by RAFIU 4
Sx Of Hypoglycemia
2016-11-04 05:57:39
answer #3
answered by leesa 4
I have the symptoms from time to time, especially when i'm dieting. I get a bit jittery and shaky and this odd sensation comes over me, I am not sure how to explain it. I felt really weak all of a sudden one day and started to shake a bit. I checked my blood sugar with a glucometer and it was 54( very low) i immediately drank OJ and some candy. It returned to norm. I am in the medical field, some people who suffer with this carry candy in there purse. Make sure not to skip meals. Hope this helps. Look up hypoglycemic sx on the web. oh and being a nurse i know that if your level falls too low it can be VERY serious, so sugar can indeed help fast. But it is best to keep your diet with healthy food and sugary foods in moderation. Sugar will clear your system fast, but complex carbs will stay with you longer. Talk to your MD.
2007-02-18 17:18:29
answer #4
answered by Jade 5
I am hypoglycemic. I've had it since I'm 30, now 47. Weakness, dizziness, fainting, your hands tremble. The best remedy I know, that works for me, is to stay away from sugar (Pure grain sugar, candy) and don't miss a meal, eat 5 small meals a day, and snacks inbetween, like a bananna, an apple, yogurt. When these symtoms come on quickly drink orange juice, and run your wrists under very cold water.
2007-02-11 11:12:36
answer #5
answered by Josie 2
This Site Might Help You.
Hypoglycemia: signs & symptoms?
I would like folks to respond who have had symptoms.
I would greatly appreciate their own remedy.
2015-08-24 19:30:04
answer #6
answered by ? 1
Hey there
There are lots of signs and symptoms of Hypoglycemia and it can vary from person to person- some symptoms include dizziness, headaches, insomnia, depression constant hunger there are some good sites about it on the net ive included one on the source it tells you what to do about it as the cure for Hypo is diet changes
2007-02-19 03:12:33
answer #7
answered by D M 2
i have had this problem since i was twenty. If you eat high protein in the morning it helps and you dont have to eat as many meals during the day. I do eat something every 2-3 hours during the day. I keep snacks in my car just in case. But you do need to see a doctor.
2007-02-18 17:44:37
answer #8
answered by oceanqueen1 2
Forget anything you have ever been told about Diabetes.
And get this - it has nothing to do with insulin, exercise, diet or anything else you've heard in the past. It's all based on latest breakthrough research that Big Pharma is going Stir Crazy to hide from you.
Visit here : https://tr.im/Oczqa to find out what all the fuss is about.
2016-05-01 09:19:08
answer #9
answered by ? 3
There is no "own remedy" You need to go to your Dr. and tell them what is going on. he or she will want to do some blood test.....fasting.....to see what you blood sugar level is without any food in your system......then they may want you leave and eat and come back in 2 hours. and check it again. There are other test as well that he can order called glucose tolerance test=GTT, this is where you have to drink a sugar drink that they provide and they will draw blood every hour or so. IF diabetes run in your family.....you need to be checked.
2007-02-11 08:01:02
answer #10
answered by mrs_endless 5