I have had two c-sections (never had a vaginal birth). I had an epidural for both, so I was awake both times. The worst part of childbirth for me was not pain but a very annoying side effect of rushing horomones -- severe teeth chattering and trembling. It was tiring, annoying, debilitating, and lasted for several hours. I did not feel much pain during my first c-section, although every once in a while I did feel a small shooting pain in my abdomen (I don't know if they missed a nerve or what... it wasn't that bad, though). The second time, I felt no pain at all. It was a very strange feeling, though, to feel your insides being moved around. It was quite a bit uncomfortable, but not painful at all. I was eager for them to finish. It seemed to take forever from the time they took the baby out (and I got to see my baby!!) to the time they were done sewing/stitching/stapling me up. In the end, though, it was not so bad. Both times, I got to nurse my baby less than an hour after birth. And although it seemed to take forever to heal, the baby did nothing but nurse and sleep (and poop) during those first six to eight weeks, so that makes it easier to care for him or her during your recovery.
2007-02-11 08:06:29
answer #1
answered by calliope_13731 5
I was put out for my c-sec, so I don't know how much you feel if you have an epi or other local. I didn't want to deal with that so I opted for general. The recovery time is much longer and harder than if you'd have a vaginal birth and it's really hard to roll over or get up for about the first week after a c-sec. There's numbness around the incision site for many months, but with time, things pretty much go back to normal (except for a 6 inch scar). Bright side, once a section, always a section is no longer true. I've had 3 VBAC's (vaginal births after c) since. GL.
2007-02-11 07:55:40
answer #2
answered by SpiceyLady 5
I was put to sleep during my c-section at my request cause i did not want to be awake knowing i was getting cut wide open. When i woke up it was the worsest pain i have ever felt in my life. After each day passed it wasn't so bad, yes i did hurt bad and was sore but it dosent last forever. I had painkillers but really they didn't help that pain. Even though i know how a c-section is i would rather have one than a vaginal (i have never had one though) because i would not want something big coming out of me down there.
2007-02-11 07:52:41
answer #3
answered by ஐ♥Julian'sMommy♥ஐ 7
I've had 2 c-sections. The first one was not planned. I labored and pushed for ~6 hours and she just wouldn't come out. I could see her head and feel it, but couldn't get her out. So, they did a c-section. Since I had pushed and labored for so long, it was a more difficult recovery than the second one, but not bad at all. Go in with a great attitude, the baby is coming out safely......most of all, the baby is coming out!! Did it hurt? Not during it. All you feel is a lot of pressure, just like you hear them say on the tv shows. Lots of tugging, but no pain. I can't deal with pain medication so I was actually just on tylenol and motrin around the clock for a while. I was up and showered the day after my second c-section. Since it wasn't after lots of pushing, I had an ok nights sleep and was feeling pretty good. Yes, you are sore, but I bounced back great after both. C-sections are not as bad as people make them out to be, honestly!!! Best of luck!!!
2007-02-11 07:58:49
answer #4
answered by Tess 2
If you're properly numbed up with an epidural, c-sections aren't painful. You feel pressure, but not much else during the operation. (I remember telling my doctor my son didn't like him because he kept pushing back when the doc was pressing on my abdomen to determine the baby's location). My c-section didn't hurt at all.
It's AFTER the c-section that's painful. It is a major surgery; they have to cut through skin and subcutaneous fat, numerous blood vessels, into an internal organ and through two muscle walls to get the baby out. They can't just stitch you up and send you on your way. You're stitched up internally with those dissolving stitches, but you have surgical staples across your incision. Having so many muscles cut through makes walking especially painful, but they will make you walk as soon as they figure you're able.
With my surgery, they gave me percoset for the first day or so, but after that they only gave me vicodin; I left the hospital after 3 days with prescriptions for vicodin and 800mg motrin and that was it. Depending on your insurance (if you have any), you can spend anywhere from 3 to 5 days in the hospital after a c-section delivery. We left after 3 because my husband was climbing the walls.
2007-02-11 07:58:55
answer #5
answered by shoujomaniac101 5
Its not painful until after wards during the procedure you feel pressure but that's it it's not pain because you are numb belly down. But once its over its like all your insides are everywhere but where they are suppose to be
2007-02-11 08:52:58
answer #6
answered by supergrl 2
well during the procedure you dont feel too much of anything except mabey a little relief of pressure when the baby comes out,but afterwards let me tell you first hand YES it is painful but worth every bit of pain in the end!
2007-02-11 08:03:02
answer #7
answered by lisagene2005 1
2017-02-24 03:03:10
answer #8
answered by Ione 3