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I wont go in deph here, but i'm 13 never had my period before the past 2 days ive had brownish discharge.. ??? what is is do i have an infection or whats going on and what should i do?

2007-02-11 07:46:20 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Women's Health

9 answers

I experienced the same thing. I was 13 when I first started my period. Had little brown discharge and then the next day it was what you would call "normal". This is completel normal. Your body is letting you know that changes are coming and kinda warning you to be prepared for it. being that this is your first period, doesn't mean there is an infection. But if you are nervous or worried talk with your mom or sisters if you have any. But you are fine and no need to worry.

2007-02-11 08:15:30 · answer #1 · answered by jenni_2004us 2 · 1 0

This is most likely your first period, my first period was very light just like what you are saying, you will probably have a heavier one next month, so be prepared. Talk to a female relative or friend. Most infections don't have a brown discharge, and hopefully you're not sexually active, so it's probably not an infection.

2007-02-11 07:56:30 · answer #2 · answered by Jennifer S 2 · 1 0

You could have an infection, but it more possible that it is just your body starting the period cycles. Talk with your mother, don't be embarrased, she has been there. You should wear a panty liner becuase it will probally increase in the flow.

2007-02-11 07:52:56 · answer #3 · answered by noneya10000 2 · 0 0

good day Katie, initially i might want to pick to reassure you what you're experiencing is genuinely frequent!. This brown/black discharge is basically previous blood this suggests your womb is basically starting up to sparkling itself out previously it is going to pink. you'll perchance discover later on interior the day it is going to look somewhat more effective redder than it really is now. If it dont dont hassle it really is genuinely one hundred% frequent. might want to i counsel to positioned your ideas at relax extra you've a be conscious such as your mom or depended on woman relative see in the adventure that they could positioned your ideas at relax extra. yet trust me it really is frequent they're typically somewhat humorous like this till they variety themselfs out. i wish ive helped and positioned your ideas at relax quite xx

2016-10-17 06:33:36 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

This is your body's way of warning you about starting soon. As for what you should do, keep a supply of pads around. The ones with wings, I think, are best, protects the panties. There are so many hormones going crazy with you right now.

Welcome to womanhood.

2007-02-11 07:55:59 · answer #5 · answered by brandyswilkes 3 · 0 0

im 13 too that happend to me last mth and a mth later this mounth i started! not fun! lol but u will start soon

2007-02-11 08:00:24 · answer #6 · answered by ♥Booger♥ 2 · 0 0

Called 'spotting'.Quite normal.You may start soon.Your young and your body probably doesn't quite know what to do yet.

2007-02-11 07:50:56 · answer #7 · answered by gotabedifferent 5 · 0 0

your probably going 2start your period soon.......tell a female parent/guardian about it and they can help you

2007-02-11 07:56:04 · answer #8 · answered by the idiot down the road 4 · 0 0

that's is page to ask and show your problem to people
if you do it , people answer your question

2007-02-11 07:53:26 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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