I'm 13 also, I have had that happen a lot cause I have been in lots of stress. I talked to my doctor about it she said to me ",you shouldn't worry for a while." You should be happy that happens kinda, so you don't have to worry about it. All I can say is relax and don't do too much stuff at the same time.
Good Luck!!
2007-02-11 07:44:46
answer #1
answered by soccertoric 3
it is normal to have irregular periods for the first year or two after starting menstruation. Also, illness, rapid weight changes or stress can cause you to miss your period. Discuss it with your doctor when you go in next for a check-up. He/she can help to rid you of your worries. If you mark on the calendar when your period starts and stops that will be good information for the doctor.
2007-02-11 15:43:37
answer #2
answered by lizz_ 1
I have a medical condition, where I do not get my period. It is called Polycyctic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). There are alot of other things that go along with this condition. But you might want to get checked out by you doctor. It is ok that you miss 2 or 3 peirods in a row but if you miss more it can cause other, more serious conditions like, cancer. PCOS can be treated and well managed but it is a life long struggle.
2007-02-11 15:38:36
answer #3
answered by stag77 1
From September to Februrary is a long time to not have your period. There's nothing wrong with going to the doctor and talking to her. It's embarassing, I know but it's the only way you'll know if it's nothing or something.
2007-02-11 15:35:43
answer #4
answered by Rachies 2
when you that young there always irregular....i no from experience cuz i got mine at 12 and it only came once in that year...when i was 13 it cam only like 5 times in a year...periods are messed up...so dont worry
2007-02-11 15:38:17
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The same thing happened to me.. my periods unusually irregular.. therez nothing to worry about.. mine eventually came back..
2007-02-11 15:34:00
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
You need not to worry but it's better to tell your mum so she will be inform and she can help you do something about it, maybe seeing a doctor will do.
2007-02-11 15:37:26
answer #7
answered by angel 4
You could go to the gynecologist and voice your concerns. Stress, hormones, change of diet all affect your period.
2007-02-11 15:36:04
answer #8
answered by Brown-eyed girl 4
well,if you hadn't`t have your period in a long time and your really worried i think you should talk to your mom about it.hope you find out whats wrong!
2007-02-11 15:37:47
answer #9
answered by morgan b 1
go to your mom or another trusted family adult, it would not hurt to go to your doctor and explain whats been happening to you,5 months is a long time so please go talk to your mom/aunt,ect.
2007-02-11 15:35:20
answer #10
answered by Gabby the Ghost Hunter 3