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ok so this is wats going on.. i had intercourse with my boyfriend on the beginning of january. I missed my period that month.. i was supposed to get it like on the 25.. i took 2 home test and they both said i wasnt. Now this monday coming up im going to the doctor. i am soooo worried i dont know what to do. Can i be pregnant? or is it all in my head. Im feeling sorta dizzy but i dont know if its cos im stressing or what. but im very very scared. Please help..

2007-02-11 07:23:43 · 2 answers · asked by Yhpargotohp 3 in Health Women's Health

2 answers

Going to the doctor is a sensible thing to do...and yes...stress can cause you to skip periods....and stress does all sorts of things to you physically and dizziness and sickness is part of this..

I can relate with being scared, that is natural and normal, but please try and reserve judgement until the doctor has given his evaluation..ok?

The fact that you have had 2 neg results is a good sign..and if the fear comes true and you are pregnant...you have options to exercise...depending on what your belief system is....

Hang in there girl...soon one way or another you'll sort things out.

2007-02-11 07:34:17 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i think you are if ur not having you period.

sorry i change think to know.

2007-02-11 15:30:48 · answer #2 · answered by celeste 2 · 0 2

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