First let me say that your assumption that you must be asked to join is incorrect. YOU must be the one to ask, as we are not allowed to ask people to join. The idea is that a man has to want to join of his own free will and accord, and the best way to assure this is to wait for him to partition to join. It doesn't matter if your grandfather was a Mason or not. In fact, I am the first member of my family to join.
To join, you should google the "Grand Lodge of (your state)" as a starting point and use that to find the lodge closest to you, or simply contact the grand lodge directly to help you. Most lodges include contact numbers and email addresses. If you need any help finding this information, let me know and I will be happy to help you. You will find that the Masons will be happy to speak to you about joining once you make the first step of inquiring.
Once you submit the application, an investigation committee will be appointed to check the references that you supply on your application. The only requirements are that you be a free born adult male with a belief in a higher power (atheists cannot be Masons). Apart from that, your religious beliefs or political beliefs are not an issue, and we are not even allowed to discuss these in meetings.
If you have any other questions, or need any help, please contact me.
2007-02-12 05:18:58
answer #1
answered by maboot24 5
I am sorry about your loss. In some grand lodges you need actually two masons that will introduce you. In some grand lodges there is a list of the masons available to the public. Go to the lodge you want to apply and ask if they have any. Maybe you know some people. If you dont, try serching on different blogs for freemasons groups and chances are you will find some. On hi5 there is a group. just search the freemasonry and you will find some. Part of them are just anti-mason crap, but some really have masons in it. One is the one for US soldiers and masons. It is one of the first 10.
Also ask at your lodge if the fact that your grandpa was a mason helps. It may. Hope i helped you.
2007-02-11 06:41:47
answer #2
answered by Girafa 2
Others have answered very correctly. This is one of the great misconceptions of Masonry--that it is an exclusive club and you have to be asked to join. People think that because they are never asked, they are not good enough.
Masons NEVER ask anyone to join. Each man must seek out Masonry. Look in your phonebook for the local Masonic Lodge (or call your grandfather's Lodge). Ask for more information and a petition. Whoever answers the phone will be very happy to help you. If the Lodge doesn't have a permanent secretary, then look up the phone number for the Grand Lodge in the capital city of your state. They will have a permanent secretary on duty to give you any information you need.
2007-02-13 05:21:49
answer #3
answered by Taivo 7
Freemasonry is an oath bound fraternal order of men which derives from the medieval fraternity of Freemasonry. We adhere to many of the Ancient Charges, laws, customs and legends of operative Freemasonry. We are loyal to the civilian government under which we exist. We inculcate moral and social virtues by symbolic applications of the operative stonemasons' working tools and by allegories, lectures and charges. Freemasonry obligates its members to obey the principles of brotherly love, equality, mutual aid, secrecy and confidence. We have secret modes of recognition that permit members to recognize each other as brothers. We require a through examination into the mental, moral and physical qualifications of a petitioner and we admit men into the fraternity by secret ceremonies based in part on legends of the Craft.
Once a person has decided to apply for membership he fills out a petition signed by 2 members of the Lodge he desires to join. He gives the petition to one of the members along with the required initiation fee. The petition is read at the Lodge's next stated meeting when the Worshipful Master will appoint an investigating committee who will interview the petitioner in person. The investigating committee will report back to the Lodge at the following stated meeting at which time the petitioner is voted on by the members present. Once the petitioner is accepted he will be given the three degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and then the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason. There are certain requirements a candidate must meet before proceeding from one degree to the next.
One must obtain the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason before he is allowed to wear any Masonic jewelry. One must have a Belief in a Supreme Being. The Tenets of the Masonic Fraternity are " Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. " The Masonic Fraternity is NOT a Secret Society but rather a Society with Secrets. No matter what one has heard the Masonic Fraternity is NOT Satanic in nature as the HOLY BOOKS play an important part in our Rituals and Ceremonies.
Suggest if you are interested in pursuing your interest in the Masonic Fraternity you contact a man whom you know to be a Mason for further information and an application if over the age of 18. If under 18 contact him about the DeMolay Organization.
If no local Masonic Lodge is available then contact the Grand Lodge of Masons for the State in which you reside.
2007-02-11 09:32:56
answer #4
answered by Marvin R 7
You are incorrect. The Freemasons do NOT invite people to join them. The only way toget in is to express your interest to one of THEM. Look in your local phone book for a Masonic lodge, contact them, tell them your grandfather was a Mason but has died, tell them you want to be a Mason, and ask if they have someone to sponsor you. Bottom line is that YOU have to make the first move.
2007-02-11 06:35:26
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Lots of good responses. I usually do family history. I'd start by contacting the lodge where he was a member, and asking about his history with them. Mention having the ring, and that it is a source of pride for you. This at least gets you talking to someone.
Another project is to google "masonic history" and check out some online background. The more you understand about their purposes, the better equipped you are.
2007-02-11 07:14:50
answer #6
answered by wendy c 7
Is there a Masonic Lodge in your town? You might wish to look in your paper in the Society section to find out the names of some of the members. My grandfather, great-grandfather, great-uncle and uncle were all Masons, and my grandmother and mother were members of the Eastern Star. I have found that if I mention this in casual conversation at large gatherings, I usually find at least one person who is a Mason who asks if I am interested in joining.
Another way to find out--and this would be legitamate--would be to call the local lodge and tell them you have your grandfather's books. They are to be given back to the lodge after the death of a Mason. We got in touch with the local lodge when my uncle passed away. Even though my brother and I weren't interested in joining, the fellow in charge appreciated our respect and did ask if we'd like to come to a meeting.
Hope this information helps you.
2007-02-11 06:38:49
answer #7
answered by KCBA 5
I am sure the Masons have read this already. I am curious, do you still have the ring? What happened to the ring??
My daughter goes to this all girl Catholic school in Toronto, Canada. It is one of the most reputable schools in the city. Interesting enough, the school she goes to is on Mason Blvd.
Make sure you tell them that your Grandfather had this ring.
Good Luck
2007-02-11 06:44:07
answer #8
answered by Lisa L 3
That type of organization is like a private club. You should get to know some of the members and find out more about it. In some places it no longer exists.
Then if you think it would be good for you, one of the members can get you admitted after you meet their requirements. (There might be an age requirement.)
2007-02-11 06:35:39
answer #9
answered by ? 4
2007-02-11 08:15:09
answer #10
answered by tatimsaspas 4