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Imperialism is the policy of powerful countries seeking to control the economic and political affairs of weaker countries or regions.

2007-02-11 06:21:28 · 3 answers · asked by rsclflat 6 in Arts & Humanities History

3 answers

China's invasion of Tibet was rank imperialsm, but 1949 is probably outside the time frame you were considering.

Iraq's invasion of Kuwait certainly, but it was seen, for propaganda purposes at least on the Iraq side, as reclaiming lost territory (although the border had been agreed in 1963).

Many other cases of war over this period appear to be almost the reverse, the the conflicts of retreat from empire: the break-up of Yugoslavia, strife in former Soviet states, and wars for independence of various regions within countries.
As Pax Romana or its modern equivalent fails, factions and tribes held apart or in enforced peace by the larger state are no longer constrained.
One part of the conflict in Iraq is very much of this nature.

2007-02-11 07:01:39 · answer #1 · answered by Pedestal 42 7 · 0 0

The first Gulf war was caused by Iraq imperialism on Kuwait.

2007-02-11 14:26:43 · answer #2 · answered by Willie 4 · 0 1

Prayin'; SURE ! Just LOOK at France's behavior
-in Algeria, The Lebbanon, -but most famously their 'shinannigans'
in the ancient Annamese Kingdom of Vietnam..

(For some unknown reason, the French thought ,
that it was just, fine -to invade-into a tropical country..
-and attempt to turn it into their own Tahiti-style playground!

In the 1950's, Ho Chi Minh, travelled to the U.S.A. to ask assistance
OF that Rebelled-History collection of, -now united States
of-America, to BOOT these 'oft-changing sides(!) Frenchmen, OUT,
-once-and-for all: right out, and away from their habit of
putting their hands ON their pretty & very decent,women-folk.

But the U.S. politicians "ran-for cover"! -even though, Ho Chi Minh,
& 'General' Giap, worked overtime, driving the Imperialistic Japanese
from Indo-China, entirely! (The U.S. has a History..OF quickly forgetting
'Friends-in-Need'.. Perhaps, It is usual amoung a people who are primarily
-concerned with Consumerism, and what (they perceive) as: "fashionable":
an on-coming.."NOW"-generation, one berreft-of all real Cultutre..
(apart from the respect FOR the ancient knowledge) -in the North-East.

However, the student-of-Imperial-Force History will be delighted to know.
the Leader, OF The Republic-of0Vietnam did NOT -really- leave
his New York Hotel, totally "empty-handed".. . not at all..
As a small groupe of Texan Oil-Men, told 'Uncle HO' that they admired
WHAT he was attempting: to "boot-out the Imperialists"; (and it ought be
remembered that this Imperial Power (from France) had actually
SWAPPED-SIDES (!) -during The Allies' "Fight-For-Freedom": (W.W.-2)
-and had fought on the 'Axis' side -of The Nazis, AND Japanese, assisting-in
killing American, & Brittish troops! Why NOT -be RID of them?

Well, these Texan Oil-Men asked Ho Chi Minh if 'his boys' would be keen
to help unload two SHIPLOADS of un-wanted, "surplus"
-left-over from the Korean War, as these ships were to
'near be run-aground' -on a beach, a little south of, Hanoi..

Giap, and Ho were absolutely delightede! They, 'knew' -at that moment-
with cunning, and guile, they would SAVE Vietnam.
To the utter astonishment of the careless, boastfull foreign aggressors,
a far-northern Garrison: 'Dien Bein Phu'.. was already
well under-tunnelled by 'Uncle Ho's guirrilla-forces..
next thing, a veritable 'Human-Wave' almost overan Dien Bein Phu;
then, withdrew -as General Giap (really a humble arithmetic teacher!)
saw his precious convoy of howitzer-Artillery arrive, OVER the once-thought
"impossible northern mountain range -MOSTLY hauled by dedicated
North-Vietnamese WOMEN: They had done what was thought
-by the French- THE Impossible: hauled a huge number of
106 mm guns, to just nicely within-range of the Enemy-'Masters'!

Giap, with Ho, watching.. gave the order to "open-UP"
-"Blow their garrison-Complex to HELL!" THAT, is exactly what happened;

and, you shall be pleased to note: almost 15,000 French-
Occupying Troops were shackled, and led-away: into slavery,
never to be seen again.. to eek-out there final months, building
North-Vietnamese fortifications: ready for ANY eventually..

A sad part OF the early history OF the Heroic fight BY Ho's forces
-to completely Liberate, then unify ALL Vietnam was the fact that
the despotic ruler -in the South, was of the Catholic faith..

As was soon to unfold, this small fact -regarding Vatican-ordained Southern
President, 'under-the-saya' OF Madame Diem, completely confused
a young, totally-inexperienced, American President,
John Kennedy into all-KINDS of mistakes, (He was the son of a Millionaire:
a Whiskey-Manufacturer -one who'd made a fortune from..
American drunkeness)! J.F.K., himself was in fact, semi-crippled;
a part sex-addicted FRAUD, who claimed to've been to Oxford University,
(but, now experts doubt he even visited that part of England..
-much less, attend such a prestigous Univesity)!

From, there on.. it was ALL DOWNHILL -for both John Kennedy,
AND his country. He set the U.S. on a colission-course with more skilled
and vastly MORE 'dedicated' Northern-Continental Politicians..
-as WELL AS.. ushering-in the taking of the side of Madame Diem:
"The South" -in the Vietnamese Civil War..
(A COSTLY ERROR; -indeed!)..

P.S: John Kennedy the (mostly) incompetent, little-educated U,S, minor
-President, was soon gunned-down -by the Mafia, for showing
his singular inability to win-back "The Island-of-Sin": Cuba..
-for a playground "belonging" to -The Mafia, of New York:
(-even the Gangsters were fed-up with him!) He left the U.S.A. in a mess..

2007-02-11 16:37:16 · answer #3 · answered by Captain M 3 · 0 2

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