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legal aid hasNEVER helped me. & hes done lots of illegal things to me. legal aid TELLS ME TO TAKE LEGAL AID TO COURT do you understand that? cops have done lots of crimes to me also. cops tell me to get a lawyer too. da refuses to let me have any apt & well return my letters. i have phoned thousands of lawyers & ferms for years that i can not pay only to be told by lawyers to keep looking. state bazr refuses to even let me have any assistance of any kind & hangs up phone & tells me not to pnone for years. no one anywhere in the united states well give any assistance. i am kept out of postoffice for years whole year 2005 no latters addrested here were receaved . president phone # & presidents coment line phone # keep saying to fax email & write prtesiden & presidents lesisons which i havce so many many times for years. always with zero responce. no lawyer in this town well speak to me. i even get put in jail just for asking for a lawyer apt. cops WELL ME IF ARREST IF I PHONE MEDIA BACK

2007-02-11 05:00:59 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

court apointed lawyers do what i beleave is illegal. thay tell me not to hitchik to a court, that thay well take me but do not pick me up so i do not knoew what is said ever then told i can not even go to the town where the court was for a whole year. or block my courtroom door with there body so i can not get in to my own court room or mail me a letter saying thay quit & that i have the right to another court apointed lawyer, which i never get & have to sit in my court room with the letter in my hand with no lawyer or i well be in a room next to the court all alown or the court apointed lawer apointed is not the one that shows up. if i do get in a court room with a court apointed lawyer i am not alowed to say one word. sometimes i am incarserated 3 months with the court apointed lawyer saying he refuses to listen to anythuing about what i was arseted for even. never am i alowed any wittnesses when thay want to come always. sometimes my lawyer does not even say one word. HELP ME>?

2007-02-11 05:12:33 · update #1

LAWYERS THAT I CAN NOT PAY SAY I SHOULD GET SA LAWYER. LAWYERS THAT ARE JUDGES ALSO SAY TO KEEP LOOKING FOR A LAWYER. LAWYERS EMAIL ME TELL ME IN THE PHONE AND MAIL ME LATTERS TELLING ME I HAVE GOT TO GET INTO COUERT. LAWYERS LOCALY HAVE CONFLICT OF INTREST WITH ME. THERE CLINETS HAVE BEEN CRIMMINOLS WITH ME. EVERYWHERE I GO EVEN IN OTHER COUNTYS THERE ARE CONFLICT OF INTREST WITH LAWYERS. THERE ARE SOI MANY PEOPLE THAT HAVE BEEN CRIMMONALS WITH ME EVERYWHERE EVERY WHAER I GO. I CAN NOT TALK TO LAWYERS CAUS THERE IS A CONFLIT OF INTREST OR THAT THE CASES THAT I HAVE COST SO MUCH MONEY TO GET INTO COURT. everything i owned has been disposed of or taken illegallt twice every vsloabel every car stolen. sometimes cops tell me who stoled my car witgh no report writen. many times relitives commit huge crimes crimes cops refuse to report. cops are involved with everything so is legal aid with the illegal activetys that hapen to me constently. legal aid committed $39,000 worth of illegalACKS

2007-02-11 05:26:36 · update #2

I AM NOT DOING ANYTHING EXCEPT TRYING TO PROTECT MYSELF. WHEN I PHONED THE COPS BACK IN ANOTHER COUNTY TELLING THEM THAT THE COP THAT CAME TO THE PAY PHONE REFUSED TO WRITE THE REPORT. WHEN THAY CALLED THE COPS HERE IN THIS CITY TO MAKE HIM COME. I WAS ARRESTED FOR PHONING THEM BACK AND TELLING THIM THAT THE COP THAT THAY SAID THAY WOULD CALL 911 TO HAVE A COP COME DID NOT WRITE THE REPORT FOR ME. HE GUST TOLD ME I HAVE NO RIGHT TO HAVE ANY REPORT WRITTEN AND THAT I HAVE NO RIGHT AT ALL TO CONTACT THE COPS UNLESS I HAVE ONLY AN EMERGENCY. IF I DO NOT HAVE ANY EMERGENCY I HAVE NO RIGHT TO CONTACT A COP. you think that is funny? well it is not. when arrested the cop parked blocks away broke the chain lock on my door then locked my keys inside stoled what was in my pocket & as always refused to say his hame or badge# court apointed lawer refused to make him do it also & i dids not get back what he stoled from me either. had to promice judge i" well not contact cops" to get out of jail

2007-02-11 05:37:43 · update #3

always when the cops put me in jail thay refuse to let me comntact anyone. never any ophone call never any letter out either. never do thay give me my pills thati have to take every day of my life. never do thay let me talk to any preacher never can i even buy anything at all not even a candy bar nothing. when i had an incurance check in the jail of $18,000 i could have legally spent it for a lsawyer but i was not alowed to. ithay had that check shredded and over $39,000 of insurance money was spent instead. money that should never should have been spent by legal aid. money i did not want legal aid to receave. that the illegal insurance man gave to legal aid after i told him lrgal said has been doing nothing but illegal thnings to me for years. that legal aid has never done anytrhing at all to help me ever in over 30 years. i have been trying to get a lawyer about legal aid for years even befor legal aid told me to take legal aid to court. this is serious. 541-672-4764

2007-02-11 05:47:32 · update #4

legal aid well not speak to me. no other legal aid well sue this legal aid. cops are as illegal as thay posabely can be. thay say i have said i do not wan them to come to my house. i have nerer said that. when i phoned cops in another county about needing a report written again about another cop stealing my money. that phone cal was fowarded to cops here in this city where the cop said i had to go to that station to make the report. almost to the station on sidewalk a cop said if i phoned the media again i would go to jail for it. then in the station thay waited till all wittneses were gon to tell me i should leave.you thing this ids funny. when supream court of calf told me shariff dept had to make a report about something i went there to be told no sharrif was avelsbel. always i am told things like this. no higest in comand at any cop dept well give any apt ever. cops phone me saying i have no right for reports that i have no rights in fact thnik this is funny it is not ever legal

2007-02-11 05:57:13 · update #5

i get arrested for things that i do not even do and are dismised. i have lost a yesr of my life because of these illegal cops. and so vary may many times i keep being arrested and released without beimng abel to even see any lawyer or judge. i always want to have people disaploimed for being in jail. i am never alowed to go to the public defenders pffice. i have to have arrest reports and numbers to give to da office no cop well make reports of crimmonals that commit cromes to me. no reporyts of crimmonlos that commit crimes to other people either. with no reports i never get anyone arrested. no cop well report another cop for committing a crime to me. cops do not even report crimes that anyone commits against me. god are there so many crimes committed against me by people all the time. constently. no one gets arrested never any reports written ever. i can not go to court by myself i have to have a lawyer this are so involved with so many people i am stoped from doing everything>

2007-02-11 06:06:33 · update #6

for years the comminishners well not give any apt thay gust say get a lawyer. cops well arrest me if i phone the city manager at his public phone # at his house city manager does know i want to talk to n=him he refuses to ever give any apt so to all the ciyt councel men when i phone city councelmen at there houses all thay say is for me to get a lawyer. no mayer well ever talk to me even the congresman peter defonsio says to get a lawyer same thing is said to me when i make contact with auturny general senater govner repensentives for this illegal state docters coslers neibersect ect everywhere i go lawyers i can not pay say get a lawyer everyone i contact says get a lawyer. HAY YOU KNOW WHAT...I CAN NOT PAY ANY LAWYER. TO SUE GOVERMENTAL ENTEYS TAKES DOLLERS I WELL NEVER BE ABEL TO PAY. LOTS OF DOLLERS. i have no protecton. who do you know that has to be protected from the cops? i do & i have no money for any lawyer & never well. people THIS IS NOT FUNNY

2007-02-11 06:16:56 · update #7

the aclu lyes & says thay have no lawyers. i phone constently thousands of phone calls everywhere in this united states getting no where at all with any phone call always told to get a lawyer all the time. what good does it do when i had a little money & payed an investigater to do things when my own investageter took all my evidence and then told me i can not contact him he well not give me back my evidence. everywhere i go everyone does the opicet of what thay are sopost to do. crimmonols are alowed to commit crimes even cops are alodwe to commit crimes to me. lawyers keep me from even knowing what is doine in my own court room. one court apointed showed me a paper that said i had payed bail for some thing. but i have never even been asked to pay bail for anything,
. that $1,000 can not be explained there is so much crap going on in this justice dept in roseburg oregon so very much. i am always kept out of all media. even by my own cawyers when i demand it be in media when arrested.

2007-02-11 06:26:38 · update #8

here are exampels of only some of the reports cops do not make... sister steeling 3 months of mail from po bos which was closed % mail box which was stoled which had 3 months of my social securty checks her distroying my winshield 5 months of food stsmps she stoled befor also her son holding me down while she beet the hell out of me when she found out i tryed to get my father arrested for stesaling my car which cops only sugested he bruing back to this town when he was going to sell it to my brother who was going to sell it to his neiber for$2,500 no one gets reports written on ythem my mail man gave food stamps to my neiber her mother in law gave one of them back as proof & wanted to talk to cops. cops did nothing as usual. a bank gave my bank acount to a stranger & kept his note with his name & address till bank changed names cops would not write any report. last year a cop himself stoled my bank acount from another bank i have had lots of cash never returned from jail

2007-02-11 06:38:34 · update #9

what do i have to do to get a lawyer? i do everything i can think of i can not even get the preacher at the church that i have been going to since 1971 to even walk out of his church to br a wittness for me. i even offered to pay him and still he well not be a wittness for me. i ask people i know to be a wittness and for money to be a wittness no body wants to get involved with these cops. an acoitence was arrested here at my house when she csame from snother county to visut me. my neibers wanted her not to park on my property. so cops jsailed her. she does not want to do anything about what cops did she is affraid of the cops. i have no tresspassing signs all over my property for years & years. my neibers park on my property every day.anyone else does also whenever thay please cops well do nothing about tresspassing thay well do nothing about anything for me ever. whatever anyone wants to steel or vandalize cops could cair less thay refuse to do anything at all for me. you thinkFUNNY?

2007-02-11 06:48:05 · update #10

i am constently told the fbi is sopost to help me. that is a joke thay could cair less what cops do. or do not do. when released from jail lase the fence around my property was stolen. i giess i am sopost to like that cause there is not a thing i can do about it. cops refuse to even let me contact them unless i have an enmergency. whatever anyone stels is not an emergency. so whatever anyone steels is up for grabs i guess. the contract i payed$1,000 for to have that fence build was stolen from inside my locked house that i had hidden also. bnut who cairs i am nothing i am just a victem of anybody. a victem of the cops. a victem of so many known crimmonels. a victem of this town of roseburg oregon cause i never can pay any lawyer to be protected. conpleatly vunerabel to everything any crimmonal wants to do whether it be a cop or those the cops do not arrest. i am everyones victem it is so scarry nothing i cazn do ever with no lawyer i have absolutly no laws protecting me in any way

2007-02-11 06:58:29 · update #11

when i get locked out of my house i can not even get any lock smith from this illegal town to let me in. i have to get some other lock smith from another town to come here to let me in. then when i ask him to go in to be a wittness of what has happened inside my licked house while i was gon i can not even get him to take money to be a tittness tof what had hapened. how people this is preaty serious. i must find somebody that well find me a lawyer. i simply can not find one. i surch and surch. it is imposabel. all the govetrmental agenceys say i must obtain a lawyer but thay can not do it for me. and i myself just can not locate one. lawyers say get a lawyer everybody says get a lawyer. i just can not find this lawyer i need so desportl;y. where is this desp[ortly needed lawyer where oh where. i am not thre crimmonol here i am the unprotected. i am the one kept under the rug. i am the one that never has a voice in anything. are you going to keep me this way? with no assistance i well be

2007-02-11 07:08:43 · update #12

if someone is conserned phone me 9:00-9:30pm is besti have no relitive that well assist some i need restraining orders on but as yuo know things like that i am never alowed. i am regfused anything that is needed when it comes to anything that would ptrotect me. when i have peper spray in my pocket it is never returnen from jail & when i have it at my house it gets stolen from my house. every time i tyurn around my posens are stolen from me. from inside my licked house and from outside in my yards and off my prouch too. when i report my ingraved things stolen then fond them for sale somewhere a cop well jus tell me to buy my own things that are foir sale some where god do these cops need proseqution. when somebody else buys my stoled things nothing is done about that the person that bought my stolen things just gives what thay bought back to me. no one gets procequted for anything ever. people can do any illegal thing to me and not a dam thing is done about anything ever. HELP ME

2007-02-11 07:20:11 · update #13

if you personly can not find a lawyer that well help me please ask whoever tho can think of that might be abel to find a lawyer for me. i am in dier straghts here. i have got to have a lawyer for so many different things. the cops are envolved with so many things. so many people are involved with what i need a lawyer for. so many illegal things are going on and on for such a long time. please help mr some concerned citizen out there. there are so many things that have got to be said. so many things that never have been said. there are so many things kept off the record. god this whole situation is so horabel. i am not being protected. laws just are not being used but not used at all. have no where to go. i am being blicked from doing what has to be done all the time. i have no where to turn. investigaters at this point want over $75,000 to even state investigations things like this are offel people are not sopost to be breaking laws and nothing being done to them all the time.

2007-02-11 07:47:40 · update #14

6 answers

If you are truly indigent, the court will appoint a lawyer for you. Perhaps all the lawyers you called simply don't want to defend you? Can you really blame them if they won't do it for free? Do you work for free?

You might be better off in the future if you simply refrain from breaking the law.

2007-02-11 05:07:34 · answer #1 · answered by Fearless Leader 4 · 2 0

I don't know... you don't say what your problem is. There are a few possibilities:
(1) Your claim, whatever it is, is frivolous, and attorneys have told you that. Your constant pestering has caused free legal help to ignore you. (It's highly unlikely that a legal aid attorney told you to sue legal aid.) Really consider what it is that you're fighting about -- is it really as you say? Have you heard that you don't have a claim? Is it better just to drop it? I don't know what your claim is, so I don't know whether that's true (and frankly I don't want to know) , but I'm just asking that you reevaluate your life and your pursuit of all of these people.

(2) You can bring a claim on your own -- "pro se." And if you can't afford to pay filing fees, you can petition the court to file "in forma pauperis." Court clerks may probably help you get the paperwork you need if you believe that you still have a claim.

(3) Keep looking--there are almost always attorneys who will take long shot cases, expecially against the government. If you're rejected again, listen closely to why the attorney refuses to take your case. Ask questions before looking for another attorney so you can either answer them with the present attorney or better present your case to a new attorney.

2007-02-11 13:10:32 · answer #2 · answered by Perdendosi 7 · 0 0

Wow you are crazy as hell aren't you. Please first you have to tell us what it is that is being done to you. For example this could be..On Jan. 9 2007 around 12:00 pm Ofc. John doe saw me in an alley at 8th and College and punched me in the face. I have two witnesses who can describe what happend.
That would be a complaint. All your rambling is just that, rambling. You need your meds and an inpatient appointment.

2007-02-11 13:19:40 · answer #3 · answered by mktk401 4 · 2 0

You get what you pay for. Legal aid is free isn't it?

BTW if all those agencies are telling you to get lost maybe you need to rethink how you are dealing with them. Based on what you have written here I'm just guessing that maybe you weren't the most rational person they have talked to.

2007-02-11 13:08:29 · answer #4 · answered by meathookcook 6 · 0 0

You scare me.

2007-02-14 00:19:53 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Please get some kind of help.

2007-02-11 13:14:36 · answer #6 · answered by professorc 7 · 1 0

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