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I'm very self conscious about my body and I never take my shirt off during sex. I've been like this for the past 4 years. How can I feel more comfortable with my body? Does anyone else have this problem?

2007-02-10 17:25:08 · 4 answers · asked by Sara 1 in Health Women's Health

4 answers

You just have to know that you are beautiful and that your body does not define who you are as a person, what's on the inside, your personality, your character and everything else. Your body is just a book cover. Be proud of who you are and what you look like! God made you that way for a reason. But believe me you are not the only one who does not feel comfortable with your body, for whatever reason. If it is because you don't look like the anorexic model type chick, be proud of that too because contrary to popular belief, they are not very attractive looking. I don't look like a model chick and I have learned to accept that and be proud of what I look like. Would you join me?

2007-02-10 17:51:40 · answer #1 · answered by (channey) 2 · 0 0

You need to take time to expore your own body when you are alone. Explore and find out what feels good to you. Touch your own breasts with your shirt off and touch the other parts of your body. Once you explore your own body you should start to feel more comfortable with it.

2007-02-11 01:29:26 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have known several women like you. Most are, in fact. Realize that the stuff in ads is not real. Guys worry about it too, but our attention span is shorter, much shorter. I am struggling with raising girls who will not have such fear to be who they are. Trust also, that there are plenty of men, good looking ones, that find you immensely attractive...
believe you are beautiful, and you are. Sounds trite, but its true...

2007-02-11 01:37:33 · answer #3 · answered by joopster8505 3 · 0 0

stop reading people magazine, stop watching E! network and realize that those women are fake. Be proud of yourself. Take a look around at the average American, male or female. A lot more pigs out there than you.

2007-02-11 02:07:59 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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