yes and no, obviously not other male betas, however you can have other tropical fish as long as you follow one rule. No fancy tailed fish. They will nip the fins of fish with fancy tails like some guppies. Right now in my tank with my Betta i have a variety of tetras, molly's and a plecco and all get along fine. Sure the Betta will chase some of the fish but there is never any nipping by anyone at anytime so don't fear putting him in the tank. Anyone that says no it will kill anything else in the tank does not know what they are talking about.
EDIT: If you need pictures as proof i can get them for you just give me your email.
2007-02-10 16:06:10
answer #1
answered by Steveo 3
Your betta fish COULD be a great community fish, and get along with many different kinds of small tetras, rasboras, and livebearers. SOME bettas are too aggressive however and are better kept alone. The only way to find out for sure is to try it, though you can get an idea just by how easily and often your betta flares up by itself, at reflections, your fingers, etc. Aggressive bettas flare more often.
However, if you do decide to put your betta together with other fish, please DON'T choose a goldfish. Goldfish live longest in heavily filtered tanks with plenty of water movement kept at 68 - 72 degrees F. Bettas live longest in calm tanks kept at 76 - 80 degrees F. It's just too big a difference for them to be considered compatible.
(Also, I've never heard of male bettas and female bettas being able to coexist peacefully except in huge, heavily planted tanks, and even then it's risky. They will fight just as aggressively as males with males, except when they're ready to breed, and even then they should be separated as soon as they're done. I don't own a fish store, but I've heard it, read it, and seen it everywhere! Do a google search about it and decide for yourself. But don't just toss two bettas in together. :()
Also, regardless of what you choose, I hope you're considering a filtered tank for this. ALL fish need their water to be filtered for their best health. And the only thing more miserable than a fish in a fishbowl is multiple fish in a fishbowl.
2007-02-10 16:18:58
answer #2
answered by ceci9293 5
goldfish and bettas is a really bad choice. you should first make a good home for a community. 10 gallons with 3 or 4 plants that reach the top of the water and a couple caves for hiding out would be ideal. you can put most smaller tetras and rasboras, zebra danios, cory catfish, just about anything that is peaceful and not a fin nipper. believe it or not you have to protect your betta from fish like tiger barbs that will nip his fins off. same with goldfish only goldfish are very slow so if a goldifsh decided to nip at the betta then the goldifsh would lose the fight. just about any other fish will work if you put enough tall plants in though.
2007-02-10 18:12:57
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I wouldn't put a goldfish in with a betta because gold fish prefer cooler water and they are nastier.
But you can add a betta to an aquarium with other tropical fish without any problems as long as the other fish are non agressive.
I have had numerous tanks with one beautiful male betta in it and they do very well.
2007-02-10 16:20:03
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
confident I easily have 3 4 month old oscars and that they consume some small goldfish in step with day. I even have some 3 to 4 year olds (they'll enhance in share to the tank there in. Betas won't) which could consume 6 huge goldfish (larger regular than the Betas typical physique length) an afternoon and nevertheless want greater. Oscars will east something they could get there mouth over inlcuding different Oscars. remember a Oscar isn't something yet a sort of South American clean water Bass. whether you upload an extremely youthful oscar they'll consume that incredibly flashing beta the 1st hazard they get, the Fins are like a entice to them..
2016-10-01 22:55:48
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Male Betta fish are best kept alone, with other tropical fish, goldfish or with female Betta's. The minimum sized tank to house male and female should be at least 5 gallons. You will have to worry more about a goldfish eating the Betta, rather than the opposite. Keep bettas away from tiny fish like neon tetras and fancy-tailed fish like guppies because bettas like to pick on fancy tails. The same is true with other fish picking on the betta because of the fancy tail. Half of the time bettas will not bother any fish at all. We generally recommend keeping them with ghost glass catfish, swordtails, platys, smaller mollies, corydoras, larger glolite and black neon tetras, just to name a few. Been selling fish 12 years and keeping them about 34 years.
2007-02-10 16:17:53
answer #6
answered by kriend 7
A good general rule for bettas...They will be agressive with other fish that have the same color or long flowing fins...the bottom line is, with all new tankmates, you just have to watch your fish closely to see if they get along...
2007-02-10 16:52:59
answer #7
answered by guinnessman2020 1
NO!!! It is a Japenese Figthting fish, it will rip your poor goldfish apart, that is why they are sold sepretley and kept in seperate cups even from other betta's I suggest getting a different fish, mabye a tropical
2007-02-10 16:25:54
answer #8
answered by coolman 2
From what I have heard it's not a good idea unless you get a tank divider and keep them seperate because Bettas are fighting fish!
2007-02-10 15:59:46
answer #9
answered by jrose 2
betta fish is a tropical fish, goldfish is not... betta's prefer to be alone anyways!
2007-02-10 16:02:10
answer #10
answered by armywifes3lb 3