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Yo solo Duermo
Si al buscarme no me encuentras, cierra
tus ojos y respira profundo y yo estare alli.
Si al buscarme no me encuentras, mira
alrededor, los verdes paisajes, las flores,
los pajaritos, el bello arco iris, la suave
brisa y acuerdate de mi.
Que yo solo duermo, pues si de mi aun te acuerdas, entonces simpre valora los momentos felices que vivimos, y asi entonces yo no morire;
por que en tu corazon y memoria yo aun vivo.
No llores, no te aflijas, pues de la tierra fui
tomada, pero aunque a ella fui retornada,
para siempre no me quedare sepultada
Por que Jesus nos prometio que "La hora
ya viene cuando oiremos su voz y
seremos resucitados.

2007-02-10 15:54:54 · 4 answers · asked by Oh You Mad Cuz I'm Stylin On Ya? 6 in Education & Reference Words & Wordplay

4 answers

Single I Sleep If when looking for to me you do not find me, close your eyes and breathe deep and I estare alli. If when looking for to me you do not find me, watches around, the green landscapes, the flowers, the pajaritos, the beautiful rainbow, the smooth breeze and acuerdate of my. That single I sleep, because if my you even remember, then simpre values the happy moments that we lived, and asi then I not morire; so that in your heart and memory I even live. You do not cry, you are not troubled yourself, because from the Earth I was taken, but although to her I was returned, for always to me it will not be buried So that Jesus us prometio that "the hour already comes when we will hear its voice and we will be revived.

2007-02-10 16:09:44 · answer #1 · answered by seven_ms_man 4 · 0 0

From freetranslation.com:
I alone Sleep If al to seek me do not you find me, closes your eyes and breathes deep and I was alli. If al to seek me do not you find me, sight around, the green landscapes, the flowers, the little birds, the beautiful rainbow, the smooth
breeze and agree you of my. That I alone sleep, therefore if of my even you agree, then simpre values the happy moments that live, and asi then I did not die; because in your corazon and memory I even live. Do not you cry, do not afflict
you, therefore of the land I was taken, but although to I was returned her, for always not I remained buried because Jesus us prometio that "The hour already comes when oiremos its voice and we will be resurrected.

From babel.vista:
Single I Sleep If when looking for to me you do not find me, close your eyes and breathe deep and I estare alli. If when looking for to me you do not find me, watches around, the green landscapes, the flowers, the pajaritos, the beautiful rainbow, the smooth breeze and acuerdate of my. That single I sleep, because if my you even remember, then simpre values the happy moments that we lived, and asi then I not morire; so that in your heart and memory I even live. You do not cry, you are not troubled yourself, because from the Earth I was taken, but although to her I was returned, for always to me it will not be buried So that Jesus us prometio that "the hour already comes when we will hear its voice and we will be revived.

Hope you get a rough understanding of the translation of the whole poem.

2007-02-10 20:19:47 · answer #2 · answered by FSC 2 · 0 0

Single I Sleep S.A. to look for to me you do not find me, closes your eyes and breathe deep and I there estare. S.A. to look for to me you do not find me, watches around, the green landscapes, the flowers, the pajaritos, the beautiful rainbow, the smooth one breeze and acuerdate of my. That single I sleep, because if my you even remember, then simpre values the happy moments that we lived, and thus then I not morire; so that in your heart and memory I even live. You do not cry, you are not troubled yourself, because of the Earth I was seizure, but although to her I was returned, for always to me it will not be buried So that Jesus us prometio that “the hour he already comes when we hear its voice and we will be revived.

I used google. I hope you can understand most of it now.

2007-02-10 16:02:58 · answer #3 · answered by mattk442001 3 · 0 1

I only sleep. If while searching for me you don't find me, close your eyes and breathe deeply and I'll be here. If while searching for me you don't find me, watch around, the green countries, the flowers, the birds, the beautiful (something), the soft (something) and remember me. That I only sleep.....

You know what, I'm too tired for this. Maybe I'll try again later.
Do not trust your first answer.

2007-02-10 16:05:26 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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