I applaud your sense of responsibility. I wish many other people had your attitude. Might I suggest that you ask to have the dermal implant rod put in to your arm This is easier than taking the pill and will give you protection for quite a long time. You are right about surgeons not wanting to perform tubal ligation on a 20 year old, that is why i am suggesting the above for the interim period.
There is also tha fact that you might just change your mind in a fit of blind love for some good looking guy and then regret your early decision. At age 30 it is much easier as a single person to have ligation without all the hoo ha that some doctors put you through.
I have recommended this to two of my patients who are in those high risk categories so for now they can enjoy some normal semblance to their lifestyle and undergo their wishes at a later stage without problem.
2007-02-10 16:02:48
answer #1
answered by Shelty K 5
Wow. That is a lot for one person to bear at any age. My heart goes out to you sweetie.
Tubal ligation is forever. You don't know what the future holds for you. Don't make any decsions now. If you're worried about getting pregnant, don't have sex. It's that simple.
You should know that your chances of developing schizophrenia are very unlikely. For one thing, you're a woman. And also you're in your twenties. If it's going to show up, it would have probably started by now.
Alcoholism is a choice. Don't drink and you won't get it.
Depression can be situational. Just because your aunt has it doesn't mean you will.
Bipolar disease in your cousin doesn't mean you'll get it either. It's a very small risk. Only about 2% of the total population is effected. And again, if you were going show symptoms of it, they would have shown up by now.
High blood pressure can be avoided by a good diet and exercise. Bad hearing isn't the end of the world.
Sounds to me like you have a lot of really sick people around you. Perhaps what you need is "surgery" to "remove" some of the negative influences around you.
Your attitude on life will have a bigger impact on your overall mental health. Ditch the people around you that are messed up, eat healthier, exercise (a KNOWN cure for all kinds of depression) and develop some relationships with people that have their act together.
Don't worry about reproducing. Unless you're married, there is no reason to make that decision now.
2007-02-10 16:38:21
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Oh sweetie, I hope you don't live your life fearing all this will be your ourcome. I really believe God makes a way for us. I know it is natural to worry about such things but, try not to. Give it time. Right now you may feel this way but you may change later on. I would use other means of birth control. Two. Maybe an IUD and condoms or birth control pills and condoms, at least two means and then later when you feel fairly certain and are older make that decision. It may be different in a few years. Some people have mental illness because of their environment...not always, I know that. Most people suffer from depression today at some time in our lives...it's life and all the pressures and let downs and struggles, who isn't depressed? Still a child can make life worth living. Really. They change everyghing...even your thoughts. They make life worth living. So, just wait and see what happens for you. Try to do what you can to not be dragged down by family traits. I have it all in my family too. But, my children are my saving grace...I had them when I was 20 and 26 and didn't know any better. Maybe ignorance is bliss sometimes...I don't know but I do know they are my saving grace. I will pray for you and hope that you don't give up on the greatest experience a woman can have because of something that might happen. Fear is no way to live...God doesn't give us a spirit of fear but a spirit of love and a sound mind...that means you. Love is coming your way. Please wait and give it time. Bless you baby girl.
2007-02-10 16:01:23
answer #3
answered by MISS-MARY 6
You don't sound like a "crazy girl"...just a very unselfish one. It is very refreshing to see such selflessness in one so young. Just go slowly, dear. It sounds as if there are many issues in your family tree, but it is not a forgone conclusion that any of these problems will pass on to you, or your children. If your concerns are so great as to drive you to make such a HUGE decision, please do yourself a favor and see a geneticist. Testing will reveal much in the way of the likelihood of these conditions befalling you. Also, even though it is said now that reversals are possible, it is my understanding that there is no certainty of the procedure being successful. You don't indicate if you are married. Remember, adoption is a very loving choice if you want a child and are not able to have your own. I would avoid all things which may be a "trigger" for any of the conditions you listed and live the most healthy lifestyle you are capable of, and MOST importantly, DON'T WORRY all the time...you will MAKE yourself sick. God Bless You.
2007-02-10 16:06:46
answer #4
answered by dottievan 2
Yes, I think it's definately too young to make that kind of perminant decision. If you feel this way now (and you may feel the same way later), then take precautions not to have children in another way. I dont know if you are married, or sexually active, but if either is the case, I would talk to my partner about it. I would suggest talking to a councelor about it as well, if you feel you have that option. I would wait on the decision however, until you are in a very stable relationship, and a bit older. It's not that you can't think for yourself, and that young people can't make decisions, but you would be surprised how your feelings can change over time. I would give it some time, it doesn't hurt to do so. Just take precautions now not to get pregnant. Good luck to you...
2007-02-10 15:52:33
answer #5
answered by veggiechick2000 2
In my family there is a strong history of heart disease, cancer of all kinds, depression in different forms, diabetes and now alzhimer's. Myself, I have mental disorders like agoraphobia, depression, ADD, exagerated anxiety, and panic attacks. My husband has ADHD and Bipolar. My sister, depression and something else unknown as of yet. My mom is mentally ok so far, but her mother is in the very final stage of Alzhimer's right now. My father was an alcoholic. Myself because of that, I rarely drink, even less now because we are trying to conceive again, but also since my husband doesn't drink. I also hate the smell and taste of beer.
My husband and I have 1 child so far, we want 2 more. So far our son is healthy, but there is a good chance that he will develope some sort of depression related disorder because it is mostly passed through the father to the son for some reason. My cousin has depression issues and a blood disorder but her daughter turned out healthy even though she had to inject a blood thinner for her whole pregnancy.
I admire you for not wanting to pass such genes to a child, but you never know how they are going to turn out and what is going to be passed down. You just can't live in fear like that your whole life. But if you are serious about not having children for this reason, there are a couple sure fire ways to prevent a pregnancy. Don't have sex. Get your tubes clamped until you are old enough to have them tied. Or get yourself a good form of birth control, there are many options out there, talk to your dr and see what options are right for you.
2007-02-10 17:00:36
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I don't know any doctor in the world that will do it. My sister is 21 and has two children. She wanted one. They told her to wait till she is 21. (this was when she was 20). She recently found out her youngest son, who is now around 19 months, has a serious genetic illness and if she has another kid he/she has a 75% chance of getting it, she she asked the Dr again.
The Dr. didn't care, and told her no again. She has even inquired with other Dr's. I doubt a Dr would do it just because of a small chance of getting schizophrenia... especially since that isn't a proven genetic disorder.
2007-02-10 16:01:41
answer #7
answered by joulesofaffection 3
That's a lot, but every one of those problems can be dealt with. Before you do anything this drastic, before you deny yourself and your potential life partner the opportunity to have children, ask to be referred to a geneticist for counselling.
That doesn't mean that you never have this done, but it does mean that you need to make a fully informed decision. And as I described abouve, I'd suggest waiting on that decision until you are in a committed relationship and are starting to make plans together.
In the meantime, be sure use contraception. I'm giving you some links for inforamtion on contraception, which does not have to be hormonal.
2007-02-10 16:06:44
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Go on the pill or other form of reliable birth control. You are right, most Dr.s will not preform this type of surgery until you are older. Keeping this in mind, you would still have the option to either have a baby if you changed your mind at a later point, or have your tube tied.
2007-02-10 15:52:36
answer #9
answered by kam 5
Wow! You are one thoughtful person! I admire you in wanting to take such a drastic step. Contact some doctors and explain your feelings. Remember to let your prospective spouse know WAY before hand if you do get your tubes tied. Who knows, you might run across a doctor who agrees with you.
Good luck!
2007-02-10 15:50:11
answer #10
answered by Anonymous