if your having yeast infection , go to http://yeastinfectiontreatment.deals-guide.com , there is a safe way to rid yourself from these problems. you break free from them naturally in 12 hours
2007-02-11 00:41:57
answer #1
answered by Kristina A 3
2016-09-08 15:54:57
answer #2
answered by ? 3
If it is a vaginal yeast infection, you will know you have it, if you don't already. I assume you have never had one, or you would know the answer. A yeast infection must be treated, because as it progresses, the entire vulval area becomes tremendously irritated, and ITCHES like CRAZY!!! If you could see a slide of the organism, it would look like little prickly burs. Then you would be able to understand why the irritation gets so much worse, the longer the infection is allowed to "grow." The only "good thing," is onceyou have been diagnosed by a doctor, you will recognize it when and if it occurs again, therein sparing yourself the indignity of having to go back to the doctor again...just go to the store and buy the kit and treat yourself. It is important for you to use all of the treatment applications to really kill out the infection. One other important thing...it is possible to have yeast infections on a more regular basis if you are diabetic...this is an area which is very serious, and needs to be eliminated as an area of concern. Good luck.
2007-02-10 15:38:14
answer #3
answered by dottievan 2
Not necessarily. Although most of the time a yeast infection is itchy and gross, sometimes there are no symptoms at all. But to be sure, you might want to ask your doctor to double check that you don't have P.I.D. which is pelvic inflammatory disease. It can have yeast infection like symptoms or none at all.
But most likely you are fine.
If you want a natural remedy for yeast infection, make a douche of 3/4 cup water and 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar. Douche twice a day for 4-5 days. That should take care of it. Be sure to get the measurements right. The first time I did it, I reversed the measurement.....almost full strength vinegar in the hoo-ha is NOT a fun experience! :(
2007-02-10 15:17:55
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Unique Yeast Infection System : http://www.YeastCured.com
2015-06-04 16:16:21
answer #5
answered by Gordon 2
No, You dont always have symptoms, but if you dont want it again dont wear your pants so tight and wear cotton underwear..and when you sleep at night dont wear any undies at all...not saying that u wear your pants to tight, but that is a main reason why women get yeast infections...
some doctors say not to douce after your period, just let it air out some of the douce products causes infections...
2007-02-10 15:19:45
answer #6
answered by got2know 4
Yeast Infection Freedom System : http://YeastCured.uzaev.com/?IQOj
2016-07-02 23:19:38
answer #7
answered by ? 3
No, you don't always have symptoms... Usually though if you do have one you would have discolored discharge and some itching or odor... but you don't always have to have symptoms... remember not even some std's have symptoms, not saying you have any...
2007-02-10 15:15:39
answer #8
answered by Corie M 1
not all people have obvious symptoms. It's always better to let the dr diagnose you rather than trying to diagnose yourself.
2007-02-10 16:09:34
answer #9
answered by Dawnita 4
Apparently you have one. Get a second opinion if you disagree.
2007-02-10 15:14:54
answer #10
answered by biker_beeotch 2