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i told her not 2 she is 18 and looks startled.

2007-02-10 14:57:03 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Women's Health

11 answers

Yes shes young enough to grow back her natural features.

My son did that, messed up the chistmas pics. we used a little brow pencil. and it sounded funny when he would say "dont wet my eyebrows"

H'es 18 too

2007-02-10 15:09:02 · answer #1 · answered by mandms 2 · 0 0

Yes, they will grow back, and no, it will not affect her natural hairline.

Plucking basically removes a hair the by ripping the root from the follicle. It is commonly held that this can cause the hair to grow back finer or even not at all, although there is no clinical data supporting this.

Shaving does not affect the root or the follicle bed in any way, and it's simply a matter of time before it grows back. (Contrary to popular belief, shaving will NOT cause the hair to grow in thicker.)

That's kind of hilarious. I wish I could see it. I bet she's not the only one who looks a little startled.

2007-02-10 23:15:38 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Oh my.. I bet she does look startled. LOL Well there isnt much she or you can do, they will grow back, may take a little while, hair grows in cycles. If she is drawing them back on she should make them look as natural as possible (use an eyebrow pencil then a powder).

If she was doing this for long term, some salons do a "tattoo", which actually looks natural and is permanent.

Good Luck! :)

2007-02-10 15:04:14 · answer #3 · answered by Melissa Y 2 · 0 0

I think they will come back thicker and longer now. What will she do when she is old and doesn't realize to take care of them! Oh my, they will be hanging down! Oops! (My 10 year old shaved her "widows peak". The little v shape in the front of the hairline! She will never do that again! LOL! It's coming back in now and it sticking straight up! LOL! She has worn a head band now for a month and a half and has a few months to go till it's long enough to lay down! LOL! She learned her lesson!)

2007-02-10 15:08:31 · answer #4 · answered by Shari 5 · 0 0

Sometimes the hair does not come back, my sisters didn't. Others do get it back and thicker. so, she'll have to wait and see. Until then an eyebrow pencil is in order with a little brush to make it look natural and use wax or hairspray to keep it in place longer.

2007-02-10 15:03:22 · answer #5 · answered by MISS-MARY 6 · 0 0

She will grow them back but with a slightly thicker look as she cut the finer tapered end tips off so the hair is more stumpy. Good news when her eyebrow hairs naturally fall out as they do and replaced with new hairs from the follicle the finer tapering will be back and they will look like they always have.
Good job hair is something that continues to regenerate throughout our lives.

2007-02-10 15:02:16 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

that's crazy...now she has to draw her eyebrows....natural eyebrows and cool if in the right shape....but her evebrows will eventually grow...it may take weeks but they'll be back.

2007-02-10 15:01:44 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

no, if you shave you're eyebrows, the hair normally won't come back.

2007-02-10 17:03:04 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i know this for a fact that she will but it will take a long time to grow back. hope it helps

2007-02-10 15:02:20 · answer #9 · answered by slayer6505 1 · 0 0

i believe shaving causes the hair to grow faster and thicker.

2007-02-10 15:02:10 · answer #10 · answered by dicky d 4 · 0 0

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