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I had breast cancer. I took Tamoxafin (pre-menapausal) for 15 months. I then was switched to Arimidex (post- menapausal), for 16 months. I had horrible hot flashes with the Tamoxafin. I was prescribed Effexor, to help control the hot flashes. I had gained weight while taking the Tamoxafin. Now I can't get the weight off. Some say the Effexor is making it difficult to lose the weight. The Effexor does help control the hot flashes, big time. Has this happened to you?

2007-02-10 14:54:19 · 2 answers · asked by siouxdresden 1 in Health Women's Health

2 answers

I can't answer your questions, but it is very interesting because I never had hot flashes until I stopped taking Effexor. I did not know it helped controlled them. Good Question you asked.

2007-02-10 15:01:33 · answer #1 · answered by Dyan 4 · 0 0

You can find accurate information, on any med, by going to the sites below and looking for a link on drugs.

Once you've done that, talk with your pharmacist about possible options, and then take that information to your doctor to discuss the whole of the problem.

Other than the weight, how are you doing?

2007-02-10 14:59:38 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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