All the time? long as it is not yellow or green and is not itchy or have a foul odor, I would not worry about it. If it has been about 2 weeks after your last menstrual period and you are not on any form of birth control, you can ovulate. Ovulation can cause a lot of "fluid"(I'll call it that since the other word will star itself) to leak out. Also, it is normal to experience vaginal discharge. The amount that comes out varies throughout the month.
2007-02-10 14:40:47
answer #1
answered by Cupcakes are yummy 1
You have something called discharge. Glands inside your vagina and cervix make small amounts of fluid. This fluid flows out of the vagina each day, carrying out old cells that have lined the vagina. This is your body's way of keeping your vagina healthy and clean. The discharge is usually clear or milky and doesn't smell bad. The color and thickness of the discharge change with your monthly cycle. The discharge is thicker when you ovulate (when one of your ovaries releases an egg), when you breastfeed or when you're sexually excited. Discharge that is happening in the way yours is is actually quite different. Usually discharge may have a distinct color, and unpleasant smell, but you said yours has none. The amount of discharge is often influenced by hormonal changes in the woman's body. The week before a period, being pregnant or using the oral contraceptive pill are all typically associated with an increase in vaginal discharge. What colour is normal discharge? A normal, physiological, discharge is usually clear, creamy or very slightly yellow. It is advisable to consult a doctor if any of the following changes are noticed as the discharge usually indicates a potential problem.
2016-05-25 07:29:52
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
lol. your vagian isnt leaking out c.u.m. its just vaginal discharge. every girl has it and its your bodys natural way of cleaning it out. dont use a tampon. those are only for periods and you could get TSS. they make things called pantyliners for stuff like this. your buy them and wear tem like a pad. but if "its" smelling or yellow or thick. its an infection. go to a gyn immediatly
2007-02-11 04:43:31
answer #3
answered by i_love_ dancing 3
NO, if it is smelly discharge it is an infection and you need to go to your gyn or the health Dept. You can use a medicated douche and a yeast treatment ...the longer one from the pharmacy. If it's urine, possibe, see your Dr. you may have a bladder infection or another problem. It is NOT normal.
2007-02-10 14:38:38
answer #4
answered by MISS-MARY 6
If it's clear or ever so slightly whitish fluid then yes, it's absolutely normal.
The vagina is a self-cleaning organ.
If it's not a clear or ever so slightly white fluid, see your doctor to have your vaginal infection diagnosed and properly treated, before it costs you your fertility.
2007-02-10 14:41:09
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
It just depends on color,odor,etc. If you are that concerned, you should go see a doctor.
2007-02-10 14:46:57
answer #6
answered by concerned 1
Is it clear white stuff. Its called vaginial discharge. its normal and you really cant do anything about that.
2007-02-10 14:36:43
answer #7
answered by Cutie 4
Your va-jayjay is leakin' asterisks, and you're writing on Yahoo?
Hon, I think you better start runnin' for the Computer doctor -- maybe he can make those little star-like things less sharp, and your brain won't be so sad.
2007-02-10 14:39:55
answer #8
answered by /\/\|>-@}3(_)Xeh 2
have you douched?
you maybe getting female infection, if panties are turning YELLOW...nothing to ignore.
make dr app't in case it is SEVERE.
2007-02-10 15:00:44
answer #9
answered by hippygirl 3
Tell your boyfriend to wrap it up.
2007-02-12 03:58:32
answer #10
answered by prizefyter 5