not if you do it right.
2007-02-10 14:06:10
answer #1
answered by Nagitar™ 7
Why do you care?
Be honest with yourself: Are you going to stop doing it if it is? If so, then just stop. If you're not going to stop anyway, then what difference does it make.
Weather or not it's a sin really isn't the issue. What you should be asking yourself is why is this question important to you. If you are concerned about issues of faith, then investigate it for yourself and decide for yourself.
From my OPINION (and FYI, I teach bible) anything that interferes with our relationship with God or others could be considered a sin.
If you get into the habit of masturbating, when you finally are married, you may find that you have difficulty having an orgasm with your spouse during regular sex. You may become frustrated with them and it may cause problems in your marriage. Or you may choose to masturbate instead of making love with your spouse because it's faster and easier. That may frustrate your spouse and cause problems. Masturbation is a completely selfish act. It really has no place in a marriage. And you may think that when you get married you'll stop, but you won't. By then it will be a habit and one that is very hard to break.
Also, what are you thinking about when you do it? The bible is very clear on the fact that if you lust in your mind, it's the same as if you did it in real life (look it up). THAT is the part that is a sin.
2007-02-10 15:29:49
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
A sin is ONLY something based on your beleif system (religion). Thus this question directly depends on your religion.
I understand the question as a general one though, because I often wonder the same thing, but more specifically the question in my mind is, "is it ok, or not?".
But you know I'm in college and there a lot of people that practically sleep with strangers. And I'll admit I may masturbate but I do have values concerning sex and I think that if I wait till marriage but masturbate meanwhile I personally believe it that its ok.
2007-02-10 14:25:22
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
It doesn't hurt anyone, so how can it possibly be a sin. That's aside from the fact that the very concept of sin is itself sinful, in what it does to people.
Masturbation is perfectly safe and absolutely healthy. Plus, it's a way of learning the specific ways that your own body works, what types of touches that you like and where and when. If you don't first learn to pleasure yourself, you cannot possibly teach your partner how to pleasure you.
If you're old enough to be asking this question, you're also old enough to not believe infairy tales.
2007-02-10 14:22:33
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I don't THINK so? Pre-marital sex is a sin but I don't think masterbation is. For guys it is necessary to have orgasms. So if your not having sex, and if your not masterbating, eventually your body will produce to much sperm and it MUST come out, either threw sex, masturbation, or you'll just have a sex dream and it will come out in your sleep. So I find it hard to believe that something that you must do as a part of the natural human system process would be a sin anymore than going to the bathroom is a sin.
2007-02-10 14:17:56
answer #5
answered by Logan 2
The issue of sin is a personal one. Your religion may teach certain things. The bottom line is that sin is only defined within the realm of church teachings. If you want a church's answer consult a priest, minister, rabbi, or imam. If you want a medical answer about masturbating ask the question that way.
2007-02-10 14:09:13
answer #6
answered by Paula F 2
which is worse, something where only one person is involved, or something where 2 people are the grand scheme of things, it probably wont matter if you did a little hand jive in your life, whereas if you had sex, you risk bringing another life form into the world, catching a bad disease, hurting someones feelings, bla bla bla...
the word for sin originally meant "to miss the mark" ( it was an archery term) so, IMO, whether its a sin depends on what u r shooting for....
2007-02-10 14:10:17
answer #7
answered by Psy_Chick 3
I think it's more the thoughts that cause someone to masturbate that's the sin. You should read Every Young Man's Battle, by Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker. It talks a lot about what you're asking. Our thoughts lead to our sins, I think we all have trouble with evil and impure thoughts, but you can find a way past them (here's a Bible verse that really helps in this area, Philippians 3:8-9)
2007-02-10 14:10:57
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
With all the desieses out there, masturbating is totally safe and clean. We dont need a man or woman to help us, we can do it on our own.
2007-02-10 14:08:51
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
No way ! Look , 95 % of people Masterbait. The other 5 % lie.
2007-02-10 14:13:09
answer #10
answered by us citizen 5
No masturbating is not a sin, it is actually the healthiest way of getting off, your not catching an std, getting yourself or any one else pregnant and its totally all you, your being one w/ your self, not having to rely on some one's time span and or figuring out what they like instead of you. And honey, if its a sin.. then im going straight to hell.
2007-02-10 14:07:40
answer #11
answered by meh? 3