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I was talking to my gurls, and they said they dont wear a pad every day, my mother said that I shoud, and I find I am more comfotrable with one. They think uit is the weirdest thing on earth to wear a liner everyday. Who is wrong and who is right?

2007-02-10 13:46:00 · 15 answers · asked by Girlie 1 in Health Women's Health

yeah I am talking about a liner lol. not a maxi pad. I only wear those for the monthly.

2007-02-11 03:43:15 · update #1

15 answers

A lot of women prefer to wear a panty liner every day (not a thick menstrual pad). This makes them more comfortable because women have discharge throughout the month (as a sign of fertility, etc.). This is normal and absolutely healthy. I personally do not wear a liner everyday but I don't have a lot of discharge either. It is a personal preference. I see no problem with it.

2007-02-10 13:49:54 · answer #1 · answered by Stephanie 2 · 2 0

Unless you are leaking something which at your age you should not be or during your monthly, otherwise, you are causing your private parts to be smothered and causing moisture to be held against the body. The parts you are trying to protect need to breathe, really! The air movement which cotton crotched underwear allows, is healthy. It prevents fungal and yeast infections as well as odor and even urinary tract infections. So, you do not need to wear pads daily, it's foolish and very unhealthy. If you wash daily you are clean and air is healthy for your body and all it's parts, it is natural, wearing pads is not....not! Thongs cause UTI's also because they are moving between the front and the back as you go about your day and this can cause the transfer of bacteria from the back to the front. So, girls should be more concerned about that than wearing pads that are really a waste and a health problem. Mom is right!

2007-02-10 21:57:58 · answer #2 · answered by MISS-MARY 6 · 1 0

Depends on your preference. I wear a liner everyday, because I find it feels fresher. My friends never did as far as I know. I tend to have minor discharge so not wearing one would be very uncomfy for the whole day.

I also noticed that someone mentioned that you shouldn't be leaking something at your age... I started getting discharge when I was 15... and all the doctors said that mine was absolutely normal... if it smells or is an odd color, it is not normal. It is important that it breathes... I just don't' ever wear one at night, and I have never had a yeast infection, and I have only had one UTI, and it wasn't from wearing liners.

2007-02-10 22:35:03 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

why would you wear a pad/liner every day? i use to have too when i was younger 20-24 yrs old. and i thought it was normal to have a little discharge (which i had). later, years later at the age of 26, i came across a very smart gyno.who told me it was not normal to have discharge every day! turns out i had cervical ectopia ( like an ulcer on ur cervix, well she fixed it and since than i have NEVER had any discharge. i am 29 now and happy that i dont have to wear liners every day now. plus its not soo romantic later in life when ur going on dates. if u know what i mean :)

2007-02-10 21:54:59 · answer #4 · answered by playa 1 · 1 0

If you're not on your period, there's no need to wear a pad. It's good to wear a panty-liner on a regular basis to catch any discharge that may be, but a pad is unnecessary.

2007-02-10 21:49:59 · answer #5 · answered by Joy M 7 · 1 0

it depends on whether you're talking about a panty liner, or a menstrual pad. I don't wear either everyday. but i think a lot of people wear panty liners everyday because they feel more comfortable. I think pads are just for when you have your period though.

2007-02-10 21:51:42 · answer #6 · answered by jo 5 · 2 0

It's illogical to wear a maxi-pad when you don't need one. It can cause unnecessary rashes and cysts. Only wear a pad during your period.

For discharge and to feel dry, wear a pantyliner. I usually wear one all the time. Plus I wear them as a tampon back-up just in case.

2007-02-11 00:03:09 · answer #7 · answered by Nancy 6 · 0 0

I wear a pad everytime my period comes. Maybe they mean they dont wear pads but tampons.

2007-02-10 22:12:07 · answer #8 · answered by Cutie 4 · 0 0

I do{well not a pa}. You don't like stuff splurting out of you it's okay. I feel really uncomfortable if my undies get cold or if it feels like there is goo.-FC

2007-02-10 21:49:15 · answer #9 · answered by fhorncentral 2 · 1 0

noone is wrong. some people have a slight dischsarge on a regular basis and feel more comfortable w/ one. it's all on you.

2007-02-10 22:14:15 · answer #10 · answered by Mrs.Vick 4 · 0 0

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