Being that it is your first period, you can't predict when it will end. As you have more, they will become more regular. Just wait it out, I know it's hard but it WILL end at some point, LOL! Good luck and congrats on becoming closer to being a woman!
2007-02-10 13:25:53
answer #1
answered by purple_lily76 5
Everyone is different sweetie. I remember my first one lasted 2 weeks. But there are others that can be gone anywhere between 5-10 days. Keep a record (start date to end date) and talk to your Doctor to see if it is abnormal.
2007-02-10 13:25:50
answer #2
answered by lavachk1 5
It could very well be over. When you first start to get periods it can take a while for them to regulate and even when they do regulate they are still not normal 100 percent of the time. So, you are fine. I know that when I first started getting periods they were kind of short. So, do't worry.
2007-02-10 13:25:08
answer #3
answered by Strong Happy Marriage 6
I would suggest taking a shower and washing well, then go with just a pad overnight and maybe just an old pair of underware tmw. It does sound like it is over but just keep checking to make sure.
2007-02-10 13:45:45
answer #4
answered by R O 2
well my first period lasted 2 days and all my periods now last anywhere from 2-5 days so i would say its gonna end pretty soon..but everyone is different
2007-02-10 13:33:51
answer #5
answered by that girl♥ 1
It will go away soon. Most first periods last a few days. What you describe is normal.
2007-02-10 13:24:52
answer #6
answered by SAHM/Part Time Tutor 4
not for about 40 more years get used to it
2007-02-10 13:33:38
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
sweetie its really depends on your body and what i call mother nature and it hard to say if your threw/or/ 14year old daughter went threw the same thing, for the first year .it is best to always be prepared-than sorry
2007-02-10 13:28:36
answer #8
answered by kidslovedawna 1
it ends when it ends
2007-02-10 13:24:01
answer #9
answered by sweetness #1 5
not sure i dont know jack about this cause im a guy but now i realise how hard it is for you chicks well anyway hang in there
2007-02-10 13:23:21
answer #10
answered by king of soccer 1