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Aren't they really helping the Islamicfascist when they do that?

2007-02-10 12:58:17 · 14 answers · asked by mrfeelsgreat1 1 in Politics & Government Politics

I think I just answered my question.

Of coures the lieberals are helping the Islamicfascists. Thats why they blame President Bush for what the terrorists do.

They want to destroy America.

2007-02-10 12:59:17 · update #1

14 answers

I see it on this board every day. Libs blaming Bush for the deaths of civilians in Iraq. They never seem to "get it" that the civilians are being tortured and murdered by the Muslin death squads! To the tune of hundreds a day! Not to include truck bombs in populated areas! That's not happening because of or at the hands of the US presence. If we leave, it will be all-out civil war and mutual genocide. Bush's troop surge is to address this problem, and yet he gets blamed for the deaths of civilians committed by Muslim extremists.

2007-02-10 13:12:17 · answer #1 · answered by lizardmama 6 · 1 2

Wow. I've never heard anyone, no matter how crazy they are, say that. Aren't we being just a TAD dramatic here? Just because people think Bush is incompetent doesn't make them "terrorist-loving liberals." Those people over there are evil, and Bush is border-line retarded. Everyone sucks in this case.

2007-02-10 21:09:18 · answer #2 · answered by Johnny S 2 · 1 0

Liberals must not accuse President Bush of doing the bombings because the terrorists are laughing at Americans for pinpointing at each other.

2007-02-10 21:01:49 · answer #3 · answered by FRAGINAL, JTM 7 · 0 1

Why is it so hard for you to believe that Bush did it. He lied about the reasons for Iraq war, how do we know he aint lying about everything else he has been saying since 9/11?

2007-02-10 21:05:40 · answer #4 · answered by LoneWolf 2 · 2 0

You going to source the accusation that liberals accuse Bush of planting IEDs, or are you just on some crazy right-wing rant?

2007-02-10 21:00:37 · answer #5 · answered by vegasdog 2 · 1 1

Of course, they are Anti-American, Anti-Bush traitors.
They are people who don't know that life and death can be for a purpose beyond their own selfish pleasures.

The trick is to get them to see from our perspective. I don't think it's possible, though. Too much reality makes them run for mind altering substances.

2007-02-10 21:03:28 · answer #6 · answered by Susan M 7 · 0 3

They blame him because it happened in Iraq and if it werent for Bush we would never have been there.

2007-02-10 21:02:55 · answer #7 · answered by YouCannotKnowUnlessUAsk 6 · 2 1

They hide in denial. It is easier for them. Then they blame Bush and America

2007-02-10 21:00:41 · answer #8 · answered by John 5 · 2 3

Because bush plotted 9/11. just like hitler plotted the fire at the reichstag! not all islamic people are terrorrists either!

2007-02-10 21:02:16 · answer #9 · answered by Answerer 2 · 2 2

You right-wingers love your boogie men...

2007-02-10 21:10:06 · answer #10 · answered by Michael da Man 6 · 1 0

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