Unfortunately, it has happened. During the holocaust Hitler had many tests run on the women in the camps. One of them was to see if they could create super human hybrids. The women were arificially inseminated with dog, wolf, tiger, and other animal sperm. Few ended up being born alive, and died soon after birth. Most embryo's were aborted a few weeks into pregnancy. Most were unidentifiable, but some showed floppy ears and elongated faces. Sadly, photos were rarely taken of these creatures, and those that were, were either destroyed or are now top secret. I cannot find any images anywhere for you. I've desperately tried to no avail. I've seen them in my history class and they were horribly disturbing, because you know that they are half and half, and they were real, breathing things. You really don't want to see them. But even today, scientists are playing with those lines.
Here is a good link to an interesting controversy
Here too, is a disturbingly real 'sculpture' done by a woman. She must have seen photos from the holocaust to do this well. Of course none of the hybrids ever lived long enough to reproduce themselves.
But anyways, the female has to be artificially inseminated for it to work. Dog cannot 'do' a human so a human can get pregnant. The sperm would be a foreign body and immediatley killed.
2007-02-10 14:45:50
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I have heard of a sheep and human producing off spring but it was just after birth. There wasn't an actual creature in there anywhere. The DNA can't match up so nothing comes of it.
2007-02-11 05:57:54
answer #2
answered by invictus 4
Not possible. The sperm would be treated as a foreign object and be attached and killed inside the female. Only 2 of the same species can successfully reproduce.
2007-02-10 13:12:48
answer #3
answered by Horsetrainer89 4
You are sick and gross for wanting to know this and no it won't work.
2007-02-10 12:38:39
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
yeah, that is pretty gross, but i dont think anything happens, i dont think a human can get pregnant with an animals baby..so yeah..lol
2007-02-10 12:27:30
answer #5
answered by angelbabytrc07 2
it wouldn't work.... in order to have kids witth something you need to have the saame amount of chromosomes. Humans are the only organimss with 46 chromsomes so they can't have babies with anyone else... .But horses and donkeys are both different spceices but they have the ame amount of chromsoomes so they can have mules as kids......... however mules can't reproduce
2007-02-10 12:25:39
answer #6
answered by hanntastic 4
No its not possible. The sperm would germinate the egg but it would not be a vailable pregnancy and the animal would have a miscarriage and vice versa.
2007-02-10 12:27:46
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Pig. Sicko Reported!!!
2007-02-10 14:25:01
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
It would depend which one was the animal and which was the human. Animal female mostly animal but some human. Human female mostly human tiny bit animal.
2007-02-10 12:28:31
answer #9
answered by p.cahill 2
no dont worry when your doin it with your dog you wont get cought from her havin puppies that look half human...idiot
2007-02-10 13:48:19
answer #10
answered by www.badkitty 2