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i'm 14 and i'm wondering would it be okay to shave down there?

2007-02-10 12:20:36 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Women's Health

13 answers

Don't do it. You'll look like a young'un again.

2007-02-10 13:16:49 · answer #1 · answered by Chris 4 · 0 0

It OK, just be very careful. Sit in a hot bath for no more than 15 minutes or your skin will swell and you can't get as close as shave as you would like, use shaving cream (women's, not your dad's or brothers), use a NEW razor and shave the direction the hair is growing, NOT AGAINST IT! This causes razor burn and can be painful. Be aware that it will itch growing back the first couple times you shave, but gets better the longer you do it. BE CAREFUL, NICKS HURT DOWN THERE!!!!!!!

2007-02-10 20:31:58 · answer #2 · answered by Lynsey T 2 · 2 0

you can shave it is fine.. just when you shave if you feel like it is hurting or plucking your hair than you are shaving the wrong direction and you need to go the other way.. shave with the direction of the hair.. most of the time it is going down.. so shave downwards..

2007-02-10 20:41:03 · answer #3 · answered by kandikane209 2 · 1 0

yes, it's fine, i started shaving mine at 15. use a new razor, be VERY CAREFUL until you get the hang of it. make sure to use shave gel (sometimes i use conditioner) and use a good thick lotion on the area afterwards, like body butter.

and this is totally off subject but interesting. my nickname for my hoohah is SARA....HOW COOL IS THAT!!!!!! my husband named his fred.

2007-02-10 20:23:47 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Sure you can shave. You could also trim it if you want. Both Guys and Girls do it

2007-02-10 20:27:46 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I don't think Australia has any particular laws regarding shaving. Hope you have a nice trip and let us know how it went for you.

2007-02-10 20:24:21 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

yup. every one i no does it, but dont go up and down go your left to right, never up, plus sometimes that hurts, watch you dont cut anything! lol dont wana go 2 the hospital 4 that, oh and trim your hair as much as possible first

2007-02-10 21:06:48 · answer #7 · answered by jada jenn 2 · 0 0

if u do shave down ther u could easily get bacteria and get an infection so be careful

2007-02-10 20:32:59 · answer #8 · answered by Jim 1 · 0 2

its okay if your careful.... use shaving cream.and don't do it to often.. when your done use a mositurizing cream and don't do it to often cuz it could get painful
depilitating woudl be less painful and hutt less with no itchyness
try like veet or nair

2007-02-10 20:22:53 · answer #9 · answered by hanntastic 4 · 3 1

Lots of people do it, especially women...

2007-02-10 20:23:32 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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