Drink the proper amount of water daily. 64 ounces a day. When pee is cloudy and smelly it is telling you that you are dehydrated.
2007-02-10 12:23:32
answer #1
answered by ? 7
As a healthcare provider I would say 'yes' but it is possible for it to be turbid, or dark, or cloudy and not have anything necessarily so wrong that it required treatment. Generally, the more fluids you drink and the more dilute the urine is...the clearer it is. If you are a bit dehydrated the urine will be darker in color. A urinalysis is an easy thing to do in a medical office because we examine it on a level that cannot be accomplished with the human eye. I have seen people have urinary tract infections shown with urinalysis and they were unaware of it. Certainly if the urine shows blood or mucus,or foul odor to the human senses I would say it warrents the closer look a urinalysis can provide. But it is always a great thing to drink eight glasses of water a day. Keeping urine dilute and flushing out your body (if you are generally healthy) would be a good preventative measure.
2007-02-10 12:20:16
answer #2
answered by tlbrown42000 6
If you drink "enough water" the body will remove toxins along with the excess water, making the urine clear. Yellow urine is simply more concentrated, and technically you should drink more water. If you are taking a vitamin, your urine could be a bright neon color because water soluble vitamins not used by the body are flushed out of your system and have a yellow color.
2007-02-10 12:34:30
answer #3
answered by heinzlsm 2
Urine is filtered via the kidneys. Urine can be concentrated or dilute. Of course it is supposed to normally have a sort of aromatic smell about it-and certain foods we eat can alter it's odor as well. There are also some not so good things detected in urine in certain circumstances, such as glucose/blood/etc...if any of these occur, be sure to see a dr. STAT!
2007-02-10 12:15:49
answer #4
answered by Noodles 2
If you were to look carefully at your urine it would not be totally clear. If you are one of those types that walks around drinking from a water bottle all day long, then you will produce increased volumes of urine and it will appear less yellow in color.
2007-02-10 12:16:08
answer #5
answered by mr.answerman 6
When properly hydrated the urine will be clear, certain liquids and dehydration will cause the urine to become yellow , the worse the dehydration the darker.. It will be darkest when you first wake up in the morning.
2007-02-10 12:16:46
answer #6
answered by gimlost2 2
I actually read an article about this a few days ago...if it's clear (like water) you are over doing it with the drinking such as water, etc. if it's the color of lemonade it's pretty normal and if it's darker than that (like orange ) you need to drink more.
2007-02-10 12:19:03
answer #7
answered by blueyonder 2