First of all, antimatter IS NOT where the electron and proton are in reversed positions.
According to quantum physics, antimatter, are particles moving BACKWARD in time.
Antimatter and matter were not equal quantities at the beginning of the universe. If they were, the universe would self annihilate!
In quantum theory, there is a suggestion that the universe is BOUNDED by a membrane called a BRANE, and there is some thought that when these Branes collide, it could be an intensely energetic event.
Currently, only 30% of the universes matter and energy can be accounted for - this uneven level of energy and matter, would therefor preclude the idea that matter and antimatter were of equal proportions at time zero.
There is an idea that the universe could be filled with the Higg's Ocean, which is just saying that the universe (and the unaccounted 70% portion) is filled with a Higg's field. There are several other concepts that are prevalent in quantum theory. too detailed to describe here. Try a google search - you will find volumes of information regarding the composition of the universe and quantum physics.
2007-02-10 12:34:59
answer #1
answered by Scarp 3
Well, there are a LOT of theories on how it formed. Trust me. The one I believe is the Big Bang teory, which is the theory that once upon a time, the universe and/or universes was/were all extremely condensed in a tiny ball, and according to the Big Bang theory, everything exploded in a brief moment of expansion. The dust and rubble left formed into planets, and the hydrogen formed the stars.
The Earth was created something like 4.5 billion years ago, or at least, thats what they say. At first it was just a big ball of heat,but over millions of years, it eventually cooled off. Then the dinosaurs, and the meteor theory that supposedly wiped them all out, blah blah blah.
They also say in about 5 billion years, the sun will turn into a red giant, thus engulfing the first three planets in our Solar System (Mercury, Venus, and Earth). Then, it will turn into a white dwarf, which is an extremely you wanna call it im not sure. This applies to smal and medium sized stars. The largest of stars only last a few million years... with an M. That's the shortest life span ut of all three sizes of stars. The largest star will explode into a supernova once it turns into a red giant. But, if part of the core is left intact after the explosion, there is a possibility that the star could turn into a black hole, a humongous, i mean huge huge huge, hole that has a gravity force so powerful that not even light can escape it. There are some theories that black holes may in factlead to othe planets, galaxies, or even possibly other universes, possibly a parallel universe, if there is such a thing. Or it might just destroy everything that goes inside it.
Way,way,way out in the universe, scientists have found what are called quasars. Quasars are Extremely bright stars. I dont know what else they are, but thats mainly it.
There is a possibility that other life is out there. If we become, actually when we become highly advanced, and we're the first civilization in the universe, and we come across a lesser race, we will either wipe them out or we will let them into our way of life, either way that's probably what we would do. Now, if that civilization is more advanced that us, it will be the other way around.
If you have ever watched an episode of Star Trek, there is on where a big black void thingie engulfs them and they didnt know what it was and it killed one of the guys on the ship just to see if it could end its life. That could be real, but it would be in the far recesses of the outer universe.
There is another theory that on the Day of Judgment, the universe will contract again back into what it was at the beginning of time.
That's pretty much all i can think of for now. If you have any questions, you can go to i think its called Harcourt Science. It's a book, and it has sections by letters its a very good book to have. I think that the part with the universe is in the D section.
Hope this helps!!!
2007-02-10 21:15:16
answer #2
answered by eating machine 1
There have been plenty of excellent shows on this topic on the discovery science channel and national geographic channel. They discuss the big bang theory and how our universe is one of several. If you think of the universe as a membrane, then a collision between the membranes would create the big bang. At the time of the big bang, there was almost equal quantities of matter and anti-matter. Anti-matter is the reverse of matter with the electrons at the nucleus and the protons at the shell. However matter has a slight advantage. This we ended up with hydrogen and helium. The fusion reaction of hydrogen helped produced all the elements we have to create life. This is a brief synopsis, and in no way complete. Hope this helps.....
2007-02-10 20:15:35
answer #3
answered by nicewknd 5
It's very complex but let me put it as simple as I can, at one time all the mass in the universe existed in a very small space and the the big bang occurred which was the result of two realities colliding with each other. It is all explained by the m theory
2007-02-10 23:01:02
answer #4
answered by ray44898 2
The Universe is a created structure which consists of a space structure and a mass structures built into a phenomenal architecture.
The Bang Theory of Universe creation indicates that the Universe expanded and still continues to expand. However no explanation about formation of matter,or what holds it together.
So basically we honestly dont really know how the earth was form except it was shapless and chaotic and our Creator made it good.
2007-02-10 20:43:41
answer #5
answered by goring 6
Please see Ian Ridpath's excellent book, ASTRONOMY, for
complete explanation of the Big Bang idea, and how things fit
together in space. His book is published by DK Publishing,
NY, NY. I highly recommend it.
Consider, if you will, that stars are born, live burning up precious fuels of their own make-up until they are no longer able to sustain the fusion process, and then cool off and die. In that final stage at the end of the normal fusion process they expand mightily and consume all of everything anywhere close to themselves. In some cases a gigantic explosion results. Maybe the Big Bang theory is in part based upon this concept.
2007-02-10 22:45:32
answer #6
answered by zahbudar 6
you can add something about the "big rip", it's a new theory about the end of the universe
2007-02-10 20:51:21
answer #7
answered by roberto m 2
i personally believe in the "Big Bang" theory...for further clarification...just read Genesis 1:1 of the Bible
2007-02-10 20:10:54
answer #8
answered by Brady 2
google "big bang theory" and you will know.
2007-02-11 08:19:07
answer #9
answered by jhstha 4