For those who think it is unnatural; I have some bad news. Homosexuality has been recorded in over 300 higher life forms. I "love" it when it when people vomit up parts of the Bible that backs their argument then ignore the parts that refer to their lifestyle. The Bible strictly forbids shopping on the sabbath (if you're a Christian, that is Sunday) and eating pork. Lets not forget starting a fire on the sabbath. Oh yes, and there is the getting drunk clause. Super bowl Sunday is really going to suck when the Bible is used against it. No bb q's, no beer and no turning on the TV (that is starting a fire -electricity).
Be careful Christians. The very sword you raise can and will be used against you. (oh yes, divorce is forbidden unless adultery is involved).
2007-02-10 12:12:33
answer #1
answered by itlonda 2
Wish more people were as intelligent as you.
To some of the others who answered.
1.) Natural- in accordence with the usual course of nature,
occuring in nature, innate- inborn rather than acquired (just a
few definitions from the dictionary. Look up others if you wish)
Homosexuality occures throughout the animal kingdom.
Therefore, it is natural.
2.)Any attempt to understand human sexuality has only
happened in the last 100 years or so. The term "homosexual"
is barely 100 years old. So drawing from history or religion is
moot, because they didn't understand it. (example of how our
knowledge has changed. They used to think that it was the
woman who determined the gender of a baby. We now know
that it is the man who does.)
3.)Why is it only heterosexuals who say it is a choice? Ask any
homosexual and they will tell you, it is just who they are. They
did NOT make a choice.
4.)We were NOT abused or converted as children and became
homosexual because of it. Again ask any homosexual and
they will confirm it. (Some will have been abused, but
thousands of kids are and MOST grow up to be heterosexual.
Child abuse is a horrible thing. But it does not cause
5.)ANY other notions about the subject should be looked into. Try
READING information from the psychological field. Better yet-
talk to a homosexual and realize that they know more about
being homosexual than YOU heterosexuals ever will.
Thank God for straight people, like the man who asked this question!!!
2007-02-10 13:08:21
answer #2
answered by mdbshop 2
It’s nice to see some people don’t judge others. Thanks for your comments.
Jesus Loves You; why do you spend so much time on the gay section here? You said you don’t like gays, well that’s fine. I don’t like fishing, so I wouldn’t spend hours looking up fishing related stuff online. Firstly, not everyone believes in the bible. I don’t believe God sat down and wrote the thing himself. Secondly, you quote stuff from the Old Testament, but what about all the other sins and abominations in there that you do yourself? Jesus didn’t say a word about gays. I was made this way (nature, god, genetic, who knows) and don’t have a choice in it.
2fine4u; You don’t agree with gay sex, well that’s fine and you have the right to that opinion. You said in your profile that you have a son, what would happen if he turned out to be gay? It’s happened to millions and millions and millions of other parents (including my own). The part that insults me isn’t your views on gay sex, it’s your arrogance, the way you think “gays don’t happen in my family”. Also your ignorance about homosexuality being a choice and how we can all just turn straight if we wanted. That’s what makes gays angry, a person like you telling us you know more on the subject than we do. Who knows, maybe one day you will become a real expert, but for all the wrong reasons.
2007-02-10 13:37:59
answer #3
answered by pissed off with abuse, goodbye! 2
I wish there were more people in the world like you.
From the ancient greeks to animals in the animal kingdom, homosexuality is normal.
With all the wars and anarchy, what does it matter if two people who fall in love (or lust) happen to be of the same sex?
And besides, you would think that straight men would love gay men. As the more men that are gay, leaves more straight women out there for them to sleep with. And we give your girlfriends tips on how to give better bj's.
You do the math.
2007-02-10 20:44:48
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
GOD Created Heaven & the Earth. He Created MAN & WOMAN. GOD created Adam & Eve, NOT "Adam & Steve".
GOD condemns homosexuality. It IS unnatural unholy self destructive vile detestable filthy disease spreading sexual perversion!
Yet, GOD loves everyone. BUT not everyone is going to Heaven. ALL sin (homosexuality, adultery, liars, murderers, coveteousness, idolitry, the fearful and unbelieving) keeps people from a RIGHT STANDING with GOD.
Romans 1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. 1:32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
2014-03-02 16:17:41
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Now just stop shouting. The neighbors are going to think you've gone mad. Come and sit down and have your tea. Of course there's nothing wrong with homosexuals. We're all God's creatures just like every other living, have a peice of cake. You'll feel much better after tea.
2007-02-10 11:50:19
answer #6
answered by Mama Otter 7
Just see Jesus loves you's post above. Obviously some people don't like seeing two people of the same sex show love and affection towards eachother because it makes them question their own feelings and they're jealous that they can't find someone who can show them the same. Sharing in the hatred of a minority helps people feel socially accepted by a group even if it's through a negative means. Sad really. If they were just more open and understanding toward others like their God and Jesus tell them to be their lives would be more blessed. I wish people would learn to practice what they preach. In the bible when it says "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" it didn't have a list of groups the statement DIDN't apply to, but the way some religious freaks live their lives you would think it did.
2007-02-10 11:49:23
answer #7
answered by xander2025 2
I'm sure at least some of us have our faults. I know I do but apart from that I have nothing to be ashamed of; certainly not my sexuality
Nearly 63 and still "les".
Catriona Isobel Rose P.
2007-02-10 12:22:22
answer #8
answered by rose p 7
First up, I'm straight so while I don't agree on all homosexual issues I do not believe they choose to be gay it's just who they are, they don't have a choice. Any one who says it is is a total "Nong".
2007-02-10 12:04:52
answer #9
answered by robjoss 2
RIGHT ON DUDE! haha my whole family is totally conservative-catholic and ive been able to keep my views and thankfully theres more people this world that are actually NOT psyco-hypocrites!
keep the love man<3
2007-02-10 11:39:57
answer #10
answered by Olivia L 2