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So, i want to have intercorse, but im scared about it hurting. I have not been fingered or used a tampon before. Is there any way that i can break my hymen myself without me hurting myself?

2007-02-10 11:11:13 · 7 answers · asked by brittany d 1 in Health Women's Health

7 answers

ur hymen is very thin. and it has nerves and blood vessels whatever you do to break it will be slightly painful. on that note, ur hymen is also elastic so even when u use a tampon or get fingered most likely it won't break. it will "envelope" the tampon or finger. ur best bet is just having intercourse and letting it happen naturally. when ur having sex, ur body is full of hormones and "good feelings" so yes there will be some pain but the pleasure will be so great that u'll most likely only feel it a little bit. make sure that if this is ur 1st time, that ur very honest with ur partner and let them know what's ur comfortable with. also make sure that since it's ur 1st time, that neither of u get carried away and thrust at each other like animals. go slow so u don't hurt yourself. and one last thing, some people bleed alittle, some people don't. don't stress over it because it's usually just a little bit.

2007-02-10 11:26:01 · answer #1 · answered by Ken Kaniff 2 · 2 0

You should get a flahlight and a mirror and look and see if it's there. if it is you'll be able to see it. Some girls are born without one and some just break randomly on their own. Most girls actually break for some reason other than sex believe it or not. Breaking it yourself isn't a bad idea since it will prevent te aggrivation of your bf breaking it only to have to stop instantly and wait a few days for you to heal. That's what my experiance with a hymen was. to me they're highly over rated. I don't think it'd be a bad idea to practice with a finger or two at your own pace, and stretch it bit by bit as far as you feel comfortable.

2007-02-10 11:51:43 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Breaking you hymen is not painful. The hymen is just a membrane and not all women have one. The reason losing your virginity hurts a little is because your vagina is narrower when you've never had sex before. If what you want to avoid is having your first time be painful, make sure you feel comfortable with that person and make sure you're really horny before penetration. Plenty of foreplay is great because you will lubricate (lack of lubrication is painful, too). I would recommend you be on top so you can control how fast and how deep.

2007-02-10 11:44:38 · answer #3 · answered by Qwerty 1 · 0 2

Your hymen being broken during intercourse does not hurt all THAT much. It only hurts for the first few seconds, then stops.

I was scared too, but it is not that bad - especially if the guy prepares you right. Be sure you both use protection. Trust me.

2007-02-10 12:25:09 · answer #4 · answered by Nancy 6 · 1 0

Do not break it ourself if you still have it. Give yur bf the honor of breaking it. it will make no difference in the amount of pain, and your bf will feel quite special if you let him break it when you have sex the first time. Remember to have him use a condom.

2007-02-10 12:11:21 · answer #5 · answered by a b 1 · 1 0

If it hurts, it hurts, if it doesn't, it doesn't. I don't see any reason to do it yourself, its not like you avoid discomfort if there's going to be any. Frankly, i think its probably easier to break it during sex, since when you're really aroused, you don't feel pain as much. Seriously.

2007-02-10 15:26:54 · answer #6 · answered by kheserthorpe 7 · 0 0

You may already have done so. In fact, you may not have been born with one. Viriginity has nothing whatsoever to do with the prexence or absence of your hymen.

But if you have not used a tampon or have not masturbated or have done nothing to work you way to this point, you need to do so first.

2007-02-10 11:34:10 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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