go to a doctor immediately.
2007-02-10 10:20:38
answer #1
answered by TheApocalypticOrgasm 6
perhaps you have a cyst on your ovary. i'd make an appt with your ob/gyn to get an ultrasound finished. sometimes they'd supply you medicine to shrink them or at situations the well being care expert would desire to do away with them. Take some OTC tylenol or advil for the discomfort interior the period in-between. stable success!
2016-09-28 22:38:08
answer #2
answered by ? 4
I had a CAT scan because I had severe pain in that area, and the doctors thought I had appendicitis. It turns out I had an ovarian cyst. They're not really that serious unless they rupture, in which case they could be very serious. You should really go see an OBGYN soon, because if you don't get it treated it could lead to infections and even infertility.
2007-02-10 10:30:05
answer #3
answered by james m 2
Most people dont actually know where there ovaries are - they think they are higher than they are. It would depend wher you are in your cycle as it could be ovulation if it is more one side. if it isnt then it most likely to be either bowel trouble or a urine infection.
If you think you may be pregnant (ie if you have been sexually active regardless of contraception) then go to an emergency room as it may be an ectopic
2007-02-10 10:22:29
answer #4
answered by jhaod 3
It could be related to ovulation just before your period but if it's something that happens on a regular basis I would recommend getting in touch with your gyn to find out if you might have endometriosis or some big cysts.
2007-02-10 10:23:06
answer #5
answered by sokokl 7
Cysts, most likely. Also ectopic pregnancies or endometriosis among other things.
How do you know it is your OVARIES????
Lots of things in that area could be painful.
2007-02-10 10:21:49
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
You could have polycystic ovaries. Your GYN can check for this.
2007-02-10 10:22:35
answer #7
answered by diannegoodwin@sbcglobal.net 7
GO SEE A DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY! any pain in that are is severely bad! it could be a cyst and in that case if it ruptures you may not be able to have kids ever.
2007-02-10 10:37:04
answer #8
answered by funkfighter45 1
Your better off seeing your gyn doctor.
2007-02-10 10:22:22
answer #9
answered by Rommie 7
you could have cysts or cancer you need to go to your doctor and get tests done to find out what is wrong before it gets worse.
2007-02-10 10:35:18
answer #10
answered by dawn_myhamsters 2