No u should gain a few lb's
2007-02-10 10:19:35
answer #1
answered by TheApocalypticOrgasm 6
No way man, Your a good weight, I am also 15 years old, although i am 5'7 i am only 105 pounds,My doctor tells me most girls my age are about 1-30-150, and he thinks i should gain some weight, so i wouldn't worry about it. And as for your family, not giving you the help you asked for, thats just plain mean. Hope everything goes well
2007-02-10 11:20:16
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Stop worrying about how much you weigh, because it doesn't mean everything. Are you healthy? Do you have too much fat on your body? Get a body fat percentage check -- any gym and almost any doctor can do a quick fat percentage check on you. If your body fat is too high, then yes, you probably need to lose weight. If it's normal, then just continue to eat right and get 30 mins cardio exercise a day and you are fine.
2007-02-10 10:33:26
answer #3
answered by james m 2
It depends weight is a single figure comprising of your entire body mass your also 15 so you haven't stopped growing yet so using bmi and the rest is pointless because that is for adults. Importantly do you feel healthy, If you are late and have to run for a bus can you do it without colapsing i know people who weight less than i do and yet their resting heart rate is near double mine don't equate weight with fitness. If you do decide to lose weight don't drop below 120 especialy when you get to 18+
2007-02-11 00:57:25
answer #4
answered by nurgle69 7
You don’t need to exercise for long periods of time. Short, sharp sets of exercise will produce better results when you work hard. Get a skipping rope, skip for two moments, do push ups for 1 minute, skip for two minutes, rest for example minute. Then change the push up to something else like sit ups and also do the set again. Repeat it five times and it’s a simple, effective workout that will get better results than a long operate or swim.
2016-12-25 14:22:15
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
A guide to indications for healthy weight is the BMI. Try using this caluculator to calculate your BMI and see if it's within healthy limits.
With that said, it's only a guide, not a rule. Exercise is always good for you no matter what your weight is. Don't stress too much about weight as long as you are healthy, eating right, and develop good habits.
2007-02-10 10:22:05
answer #6
answered by angela923 3
Well first off, no matter what the numbers are, as long as you're happy with yourself, then it shouldn't matter. But since you sound very worried about if you are healthy or not, I'll tell you the truth. You are NOT overweight. You are perfect. If you don't believe me, go to I calculated your weight and height, and you neight over or underweight. But, if you feel like you still need to get into shape, the site tells you how to do it! I hope I helped, and I hope you realize you're perfect the way you are!
2007-02-10 10:28:42
answer #7
answered by blueeyedsweetpea11 1
You are absolutely fine. Some people make the mistake of thinking that people who appear plump in the face need to lose weight. This is wrong. See :
2007-02-10 10:29:08
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
According to your height and weight your BMI (Body Mass Index) is 23.6
Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
Overweight = 25-29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater
You are at normal weight. just keep it at that. no need to be worrying about losing weight.
my family is the total opposite. i'm also 15 and 5' 3", and i weigh 117. my parents, especially my mom, are always telling me that im really fat and need 2 lose weight. i try to ignore them because my BMI is 20.7 and i know that's healthy. i don't want to go anorexic just to please them.
2007-02-10 10:28:42
answer #9
answered by mrs.potter 3
You only need to lose weight if you are feeling uncomfortable with doing physical things like walking, climbing stairs, tying your shoes. Do you avoid physical activity due to weight? By height and are fine. Just walk and climb stairs and you will be fine.
2007-02-10 10:19:57
answer #10
answered by debbieschwencke 2
It’s not necessarily weight-loss, it’s health-gain. Think about your changes in an effort to gain things, not lose these individuals.
2016-05-02 19:32:31
answer #11
answered by Anonymous