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I actually used to be one of them, but recently, after some stupid twa.t mugged me and broke one of my fingers, I understand what it's like to be bad at spoelling adn grammar and I don't care. I just hate the do-gooders who say we should all be able to spell and write sentences in a grammatically correct fashion. Surelym, so long as you can get the gist of what someone is tryign to get across then it doesn't matter how they type it just so long as the point is clear.

You all get my point, right? I hatye the grammatically correct idiots who think 'chav' sjhould be eliminated from teh dictionary and who think the apostrophe shoudl have its own cult following. For goodness sake, the English language is fluid, everchanging, that's why words get added to teh dictionary in teh first place, why don't peopel understand that? And therules concerning teh apostrophe are long adn tiresome. I have an entire 200 page book on the uses and common errors of where to put it, left untouched of course.

2007-02-10 09:47:09 · 18 answers · asked by Katri-Mills 4 in Education & Reference Words & Wordplay

I'm actually an aspiring author and I write the most incredible pieces of prose, and everybody knows it. Go ahead, read what I'm writing right now and point out the mistakes, you'll find none.

You are a judgemental lot.

You see, when I write, it flows.

Don't you get it? I'm a pis* taker. Go ahead and report me if you like, personally I hate yahoo answers. This is my last night ever on here and then I'm giving up for good. I ask questions asking for specific answers and get given crap in reply. I'm going out and I'm going out with a bang. Report me if you like, really, go ahead, but the points just don't matter any more. They're only points and I just don't care because they mean nothing.

I have a serious injury and you have no idea how much it hurts me to type this, but typing and answering peoples questions is what I like doing. How many of you thick shits have written 'dunno' in answer to a question? I can tell you now, that's not an answer, and I get that all the time.

2007-02-10 10:04:42 · update #1

Oh dear, more answers. Better list the problems with everything you're writing:

The Yahoo spell checker is painfully slow and doesn't work on my computer. Since my computer is ace in every possible way, well that suggests there's something wrong with the spell checker now doesn't it?

I'm an exceptionally good speller but just fancy a night off from acting like an up-my-own-**** twa.t like some of the other people on here.

What you all don't seem to understand is that you've proven my point. My initial stretch of typing, my original question, was written in a fairly appalling manner, not the worst thing I've ever written, but who's comparing? The thing is, even though it was spelt badly, you all understood it.

Now if you'll excuse me, I've got 47 or so minutes of havoc to cause on here.

Miss. Mogsy over and out.

2007-02-10 10:12:43 · update #2

18 answers

I'm with you on this Miss Mogsy. Every time someone posts a question with a few mistakes there is always a flurry of....I don't understand, check your spelling, what? Type answers,

Firstly if you're not going to attempt to answer the original question why bother at all? Surely just a waste of bandwidth.

All the people who criticise don't stop to think that the person who asked the question may have dyslexia / dyspraxia / learning difficulties etc... they just jump in & start taking the p1ss.

It's very rare that I find a question that I just cannot work out, if I do I don't answer it. Simple!


xyzlmnop_tx , you may throw resumes away that you don't like based on assumption, in the UK we have diasability discrimination laws which you would fall foul of by your actions.

2007-02-10 09:59:12 · answer #1 · answered by uncle fester 5 · 0 1

Why don't you try again ? Did you have counseling for that incident in your life ? It has left you with a painful injury and memory .You could have physio on your finger and hand,to alleviate the problem.As for the memory of what happened You are still struggling with it.Anger is your way of dealing with it .Meditation may help .Try natural healing, oils such as Lavender heals pain physically and mentally. A poultice of comfrey root will speed the healing of your broken finger.Do you study English ? I am a TEFL Teacher,we do a lot of projects for students these days, many of the culture groups have activities centered around English so its more enjoyable.

2007-02-13 10:30:48 · answer #2 · answered by Lindsay Jane 6 · 0 0

Hallo, Miss Mogsy,
Addressing the woman behind the whinge. . .
I'm sorry you have been injured, especially in that horrible way. I hope you soon recover, both physically and emotionally.
I, too, visit this site partly in order to help and partly out of addiction. I have not yet reached your level of determination to be done with it altogether.
Y!A does seem to be becoming a forum for the disaffected with a great deal of cruelty passing for cleverness, pointless railery and slavery to the wretched points system.
Still there is much here which gives me hope for mankind, so I'll remain optimistic.
Good luck with your degree.
I wish you health, happiness and a little wealth. (not too much, it's bad for us).
Many blessings,
Jon C
PS. The reason cats like people who don't like them is this. Cats use body language. The sign for agression is looking straight at you and baring your teeth. Exactly what humans do to show friendship. To show non-agression cats narrow their eyes and turn there heads away. See?
Next time you meet a cat, stare straight at it and smile broadly.

2007-02-10 18:25:06 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0


I assume that this question is, in some way a response to mine posted a few minutes ago, if it is not then my apologies!

Please do not think me 'grammar freak', I asked the question purely to see what response I would get! Myself as I said, am poor at English in general, however it is one thing that I would prefer to be better at.

My question though was alluding to the poor state of the education system in this country, and along with it the cultural changing that we are witnessing. I said nothing about this being a bad thing, nor did go on about 'the good all days', and with reason...I am only 19, and am in the first year of my degree.

I often shorten words for texting, emailing, and instant messaging, I also find many words difficult to spell, but can this, if it is a general trend be a good thing for society?

Please try to avoid using the question to attack people, for poor spelling or correct grammar, as is clear there are a variety of reasons for both.

Thank you for your time.

(I enjoyed reading your question, it was skillfully worded.)

2007-02-10 10:08:47 · answer #4 · answered by joker6159 1 · 0 1

@Samantha: Yes you can. The rules of the English language allow for the use of 'and' or 'but' in the beginning of a sentence. You just shouldn't do it in formal writing such as a business letter. Look it up. It's perfectly acceptable. And yeah, I definitely know what you mean.

2016-05-25 04:44:02 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am one of those "grammar freaks" as you call us. Just as you don't wish to be corrected, I don't wish to communicate with people who do so with such a degree of laziness that it takes a lot of "work" to figure out what they are saying. As long as you don't mind being judged and having people assume you are (a) lazy, (b) uneducated, and (c) a poor communicator, then hey, no problem!

I interview people for jobs fairly regularly and you should know that a resume or application with poor grammar and typos on it goes straight in the trash can. But that's okay because you're not going to ever know what "might have been" now, will you?

2007-02-10 09:58:13 · answer #6 · answered by lmnop 6 · 3 1

We'll miss you, Miss Mogsy. You're obviously educated and have little time for some of the more backward people on here.

Good luck with the writing.

2007-02-10 11:04:21 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Its a sign of a good education. People who can't or won't spell properly are really saying "I can't be bothered".They normally copy the 'thick' attitude of their parents. There are only a few who are genuinely dyslexic.
Bad spelling and grammar holds up the speed at which educated people read, thereby depriving them of quickly absorbing the information being divulged.
I am sure that the vast majority of people (good or near good spellers) are sick to the teeth of having to read 'text talk' all the time, especially as its becoming normal as education standards seriously decline.
The 'saddo's' only make excuses!.

2007-02-10 10:08:16 · answer #8 · answered by JohnH(UK) 3 · 3 1

I have no shame in asking illiterates to be more careful in what they type.
I have had the most abusive e-mails sent to me, and that is why I do it. Their illiteracy gets on my nerves, my correcting them gets on theirs.
There's no need for it.
I mean, does anyone think it's acceptable to ask 'Wu dyu fink shud wn x;facter?
It's skocking, and I weep for the children of the future if they're going to have parents with such poor self-regard.

2007-02-10 15:01:51 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I don't think 'adn', 'surelym', 'hatye', 'sjhould', 'teh', 'therules', or 'peopel', will ever be made words in the English dictionary.

Sorry I couldn't resist the chance to annoy. :P

(I actually read all of that. Hahaha! I like her she's quite funny.)

2007-02-10 09:58:28 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

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