You would lose no weight. You may drop a few ounces of water weight, but you'll gain them right back when you rehydrate. 1pound of fat consists of 3500 calories. If you weigh 170 lbs. and you walk for 5 hours and a speed of 4.0 mph, you'll burn approx. 2024 cal. Not nearly enough to lose a pound.
2007-02-10 09:36:47
answer #1
answered by IAINTELLEN 6
your machine should tell you on the output screen ,if that is the machine you are using.
I have been on a treadmill machine for the past 4 weeks,I typically use it for 30 minutes(restriction of the health club facility),and I usually set it for 3 to 4 mph,incline at about 2 ,and the calories used for that time is about 330.The distance is usually about 2 miles or so.
Doesen't seem like a lot though,and I haven't lost any weight so far,I don't know what I am doing wrong ,but I am sticking with it.
2007-02-10 09:33:26
answer #2
answered by Dfirefox 6
That is very unhealthy. You will lose all of your water weight, probably pass out, and possibly tear every muscle in your body so you can not move for the next couple weeks and need surgery.
I am assuming that you do not have the endurance built up to do so- or you wouldn't be asking how much weight you would lose.
2007-02-10 09:32:11
answer #3
answered by D 7
It would be a lot if you followed a strict diet along with using the treadmill. I was told that you should use the treadmill a minimum of 30 minutes 3 or 4 times a week and eat a proper diet.
2007-02-10 09:33:48
answer #4
answered by mandm 5
Well first of all Nobody should be doing that because its too dangerous unless you're trained for it and it depends on your body type. By the way You won't lose weight in 1 day just to tell you and if you do you'll gain it back the next day.
2007-02-10 09:32:33
answer #5
answered by CooCoo 2
Hate to break it to you, but you wouldn't lose that much weight. You'd have to run on the treadmill for at least thirty minutes and three times a week to begin to lose weight. Good luck!
2007-02-10 09:32:21
answer #6
answered by Drea 2
Probably none, because if you kept up a very intense run for that long, you could go into cardiac arrest, and die. Now if your walking I'd say you'd burn 250-500 calories. So don't expect some great miracle diet out of it.
2007-02-10 09:32:25
answer #7
answered by Chey 3
A few pounds, potentially, but this would be due primarily to dehydration of body tissues to fuel sweat.... If you ran for 20 minutes a day for 15 days, you'd see better results.
2007-02-10 09:32:12
answer #8
answered by tercellulite 3
10 calories a minute generally. So about 3000 calories in 300 minutes. So about 3/4 of a pound if it was pure fat.
2007-02-10 09:32:08
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
It depends on several variables (i.e. your weight, the intensity that you are running, etc). Just know that 1 pound of fat equals 3500 calories. I burn roughly 150 calories for every mile I run.
2007-02-10 09:32:28
answer #10
answered by modawg2k 2