My mom wants to put me on birth control for my skin and period cramps. She tells me that she did this when she was my age because she had the exact same "problems". The thing is, I honestly don't think my skin is THAT bad. Okay, sure, I get zits just like every normal 14 year old, but it's nothing horrible. Okay, yeah, my cramps hurt like hell when it comes to that time of the month, but after taking 2 ibuprofen, they go away within 5 minutes.
But, my mom sounds like she knows what she's talking about so maybe this might work...what do you think (be brutally honest here)? Thanks!
-livey lu
13 answers
asked by
livey lu
➔ Women's Health
I have never noticed birth control, helping my breakouts. I get them all the time right before my period. My doctor had originally put me on BC to help prevent small ovarian cysts. I do not have bad periods, or get bad cramps. So, birth control may help in that regard.
It may also be her way of covering her bases with out actually saying the truth. Unfortunately, lots of girls your age are getting pregnant. I'm not saying your one of them... It may be your Mom's way of protecting you when you are ready for that time! But, that is just an opinion and I could be totally wrong.
2007-02-10 08:38:57
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Birth control pills can sometimes help your skin (one brand marketed itself that way, but they all help most people's skin). It does reduce the flow of your periods, helps keep them regular and light and it also regulates the timing of your period, if your period is coming at odd times.
If your cramps are relieved really quickly by taking Ibuprofen, then I don't think there is any need for you to take birth control pills, unless your mother has reason to believe you are sexually active and she's worried you'll become pregnant? If so, birth control pills don't protect you at all from STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases), so that is an additional thing you and your mom need to discuss.
You really need to have a very honest conversation with your mom about what she's perhaps concerned about, along with your own concerns. It might be embarrassing to you or your mom a little bit, but you'll get over that the more you talk openly.
You might want to look for a gynecologist's office that has a female Physician's Assistant or female gynecologist, if you would like someone to talk to about these things if embarrassment in talking to your mom is an issue.
Talk to your mom, your aunt, your grandmother, or the gynecologist or nurse, but do not take your school friend's advice on these matters...however well-meaning your friends may be.
Good luck
2007-02-10 16:34:53
answer #2
answered by darligraphy 4
Being brutally honest if you dont want to take them because you seriously can handle cramps and skin problems then dont take them. Maybe your mom worries about you becoming sexually active and make some mistakes by having unprotected sex and get pregnant when you're still a child yourself ( her)? Or maybe she is just being overprotective and just trying to be a carying mom. You cant be too mad at her either, but most likely she is worried about your possible pregnancies in a future that is why she is trying to find all the wrong reasons on getting on a BC pill or patch.
Personally if you are not sexualy active (still protect yourself at all times with other contraceptives like condoms.....even if it is only once) I wouldnt bother on taking them. Its a drug that have sideeffects to it. Weight gain, hormone changes, heart stroke risk, bloodclots, repeatable yeast infections, sex drive loss, and i am sure this list continues on and on. Also since i been on BC i never had my skin problem solved too much (personally i dont think my skin is bad at all....of course like you said before i be having not like in your case puberty time but hormone changes so i get few here and there). Also when it comes to cramps ibuprofen dont work for me but i take naproxen once i feel like i am almost there and crams will be at the doorstep any minute. Talk to your moms. Its important that you dont fight but are on a same sheet of music. Let her know that there is nothing to worry and its not such a big deal. Explain to her that and see maybe she will crack and tell you the real reason she wants you to be on birth control. Other then that i wouldnt bother until you hit 18 or something.
2007-02-10 16:50:04
answer #3
answered by BK thang 5
My mom put me on birth control when i was younger too but, that was because I was on my period for 3 months without stopping i became very sick but, anyway there is nothing wrong with being on birth control. Since you are still going through the growing stage into a young woman you are going to have irregular periods and the birth control will help that. it will also help with your skin I believe i have bad skin too. So ya know your mom is right it would help you out with the cramps as well. i mean I don't cramp anymore because i think the older you get the less you get them i think i don't remember when the last time i cramped. So i hope that helped out.
2007-02-10 16:34:31
answer #4
answered by beepbeep_gone 3
No need for the birth control unless you plan on being sexually active. My opinion is that parents are way to quick to medicate these days and you never know the long term. Acne goes away, and you seem to have control of the cramps, I don't think adding hormones is necessary. Talk it over with your parents and a doctor. What was good for your mom, might not be necessary for you.
I have to add that being a man, this may have been the worst answer in the world. Just an opinion.
2007-02-10 16:33:23
answer #5
answered by bopoppa 3
I am on the pill for medical reasons as some of the others have suggested and yes I had issues with my period too. I would recommend making an appt with your pediatrician for starters to see what they suggest. As one of the others suggested even just having a chat with a female gyn (I have a female gyn) about this concern might not be a bad idea either.
2007-02-10 18:20:11
answer #6
answered by sokokl 7
If over the counter medications work for you, you shouldnt take hormones you dont need. Some people have reactions to the hormones that make it not worth it. Personally I had horrible mood swings and was bloated with the combination pills.
2007-02-10 16:31:53
answer #7
answered by liebedich85 4
i went on the pill for them reasons but it helped me also as im with my partener. i find though they dont help my cramps at all a hot water bottle works best but it did clear my skin up. at the end of teh day its yoru decision and a doctor will advice you not too or to do
2007-02-10 16:31:58
answer #8
answered by Natasha G 4
i put my self on the pill at 15 for my skin and my periods and have zero regrets! just do it u will be SOOO happy u did! its really no big deal good luck
2007-02-10 16:56:56
answer #9
answered by 6
Maybe she has another reason, too. I know......teens say ALL the time...."Oh, I'm not going to have sex till I'm older!" and before you know it, they're having a baby at 14 or 15.
Take the pill. For all 3 reasons.
2007-02-10 16:31:56
answer #10
answered by Anonymous