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2007-02-10 07:48:31 · 6 answers · asked by rach 2 in Health Women's Health

6 answers

I stole $10,000 dollars worth of items and resold them at cost pocketing the money. I even had stolen items delivered by the companies trucks. I used the money on hotels, condoms and hookers. What great fun I had.

2007-02-10 07:54:54 · answer #1 · answered by fortyninertu 5 · 0 0

I called my frail, elderly Mother one evening and there wasn't an answer, so I figured she was in the bathroom and couldn't answer the phone. The next morning I tried calling again and there still was no answer, so I called my brother to check on her. Here she had a stroke and was lying on the floor of her apartment all night. Her apartment was a basement apartment and it was in the winter. I felt horrible that I didn't try calling back that night or going to check on her.

2007-02-10 07:58:35 · answer #2 · answered by spackler 6 · 0 0

What does this have to do with Women's Health?

Worst in what regard? By whose standards?

2007-02-10 07:52:37 · answer #3 · answered by . 7 · 0 0

not standing up in court and telling the judge and the bad guy why he deserves prision and what he did to me. i just couldnt look at the guy but if i had that moment now i would tell him everything he did to me but the past is the past guess i will have to regret it my whole life.

2007-02-10 07:56:04 · answer #4 · answered by marynew8 3 · 0 0

Told a woman that I loved her.

2007-02-10 07:50:40 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

i killed

2007-02-10 07:50:59 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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